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Learning Self-Management Skills

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1 Learning Self-Management Skills
L E S S O N 2 Learning Self-Management Skills Lesson 2

2 Do Now Pick 3 words and write down the definition of each.
Exercise – Pg. 473 Motor Skill – Pg. 475 Physical Activity – Pg. 476 Sedentary – Pg. 477 Skill – Pg. 477

3 Agenda Do Now Lecture/Notes Objectives Quiz Worksheet
Reviewing Concepts and Vocabulary – Chapter Review

4 Objectives Describe the stages of change in adopting a healthy lifestyle. Describe several self-management skills. Explain the difference between knowledge and understanding.

5 Stages of Change Stage 1: Precontemplation Stage 2: Contemplation
Stage 3: Planning for change Stage 4: Taking action Stage 5: Maintenance

6 Stages of Change For a Healthy Lifestyle
Stage 1 Precontemplation A person in stage 1 CHOOSES not to be active (sedentary). 1 in 4 teens are labeled as sedentary (inactive). 1 in 3 adults are labeled as sedentary.

7 Stage 2: Contemplation A sedentary person may read or hear about the importance of physical activity, but still chooses to do nothing. The person has moved from being sedentary to an inactive thinker.

8 Stage 3: Planning A person begins planning to be active.
A person plans to be active by visiting a gym or buys equipment in anticipation of exercising. The person has now become a planner, although still not active.

9 Stage 4: Taking Action This stage actually involves the person becoming active. This person now goes to the gym and works out.

10 Stage 5: Maintenance Involves maintaining regular physical activity.
When this stage is reached, the person is active on a regular basis.

11 Stages of Change for Physical Activity

12 Group Activity The stages of change apply to other healthy lifestyle choices. Now that you know the stages of change. Take the following examples and write out what a person would be doing at each stage. Unhealthy Eater trying to eat healthier. Smoker trying to quit smoking.

13 Stages of Change for Eating Well

14 Self-Management Skills for Thinking About Change
Self-assessment Building knowledge and understanding Identifying risk factors Positive attitude Self-confidence

15 Self-Management Skills for Beginning to Change
Goal setting and self-planning Time management Choosing good activities Learning performance skills Improving self-perception Stress management See the Self-Management Skills for Fitness, Health, and Wellness table in the textbook.

16 Self-Management Skills for Maintaining Change
Self-monitoring Overcoming barriers Finding social support Saying no Preventing relapse Thinking critically (continued)

17 Self-Management Skills for Maintaining Change (continued)
Resolving conflicts Positive self-talk Developing good strategy and tactics Finding success See the Self-Management Skills for Fitness, Health, and Wellness table in the textbook.

18 Group Activity Read the Taking Charge feature Building Knowledge and Understanding on Pg. 48. Answer the For Discussion questions. Be prepared to discuss your answers with the class.

19 Taking Charge: Building Knowledge and Understanding
For Discussion: 1. How can someone who wants to make a healthy New Year’s resolution avoid making a bad decision about fitness and physical activity? 2. Why do you think people choose programs such as the one Mrs. Bhalla tried? 3. Is it possible to get fit in five minutes a day? 4. How might Anish help his mother in the future?

20 Guidelines for Building Knowledge and Understanding
Learn the facts first. Use the scientific method. Investigate (collect information) to gain as many facts as possible. Ask why. When studying healthy lifestyle choices, ask yourself “why” questions. Consult reliable sources. Try to apply. When learning new information, ask how you can apply the information. Put it all together. Synthesize all the information to make an informed decision.

21 Objectives – Go to the top of your notes and answer the objectives.
When you are finished get a Quiz Worksheet. Work on Chapter 2 Review #’s 1-11 & #13

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