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All drawings and photos made by A. Kozłowski

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1 All drawings and photos made by A. Kozłowski

2 Rocks of the Variscan Karkonosze pluton: 1 – monzogranite and porphyritic granodiorite; 2 – middle-grain biotite monzogranite; 3 – fine-grain monzogranite, aplite and aplogranite. Metamorphic crust: 4 – mainly mafic rocks; 5 – metamorphic schists; 6 – gneiss. After W. Kozdrój, O. Krentz, M. Opletal, 2001.

3 Native silver occurrences in the Polish part of the Karkonosze pluton: KS – Koźle Rocks, GS – Gozdowskie Rocks, RC – Rozdroże pod Cichą Równią, K – Kocierz Mt., SP – Szklarska Poręba Huta, PP – Przesieka, Płonik Mt., S – east of Skiba, G –Grabowiec Mt., ŁR – Łomnickie Rozdroże, KC – Kowarska Czuba, SS –Strużnickie Rocks, PR –Radomierska Pass, R – Rybień Mt. Full diamond marks indicate locations where from native silver is not showed in this presentation.

4 Native silver, Szklarska Poręba Huta
Lis and Sylwestrzak (1986): plate of native silver 0.40.5 mm in pegmatite vein at Biała Dolina. Kozłowski and Sachanbiński (2007): 4 plates in pegmatite in Szklarska Poręba Huta, 3 on quartz, one on cleavelandite (see drawing). Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %. Admixtures (wt. %, EPMA) Cu Sn Bi Au Hg Fe Zn Pb Co Cd ~0.01 Sb ~0.03

5 Native silver, Koźle Rocks on Kobyła Mt.
In vertical veinlet of gray quartz of a thickness of cm, silver grain partly in quartz, partly in small void. Year of the specimen collection: 1977. Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %. Admixtures (wt. %, EPMA) Cu Sn Bi Au <0.01 Hg Fe Zn Pb Co <0.01 Cd ~0.01 Sb ~0.01

6 Native silver, Rozdroże pod Cichą Równią
In a vertical veinlet of pale-gray quartz of a thickness of ca. 5 cm, in a void of ca. 0.5×1×3 cm. In other parts of the veinlet fine grains of pyrite. Year of the specimen collection: 1968. Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %. Admixtures (wt. %, EPMA) Cu Pb Au Sb ~0.03 Zn Bi Cd ~ Fe Sn Co ~0.01 Hg

7 Native silver, Kocierz Mt. near Jakuszyce
In a veinlet of milky quartz dipping at 35º to SSW, thickness of the veinlet ca. 12 cm, quartz with incompletely healed cracks. Year of the specimen collection: 1974. Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %. Admixtures (wt. %, EPMA) Cu Sn Bi Au Hg Fe Zn Pb Co <0.01 Cd ~0.01 Sb ~0.01

8 Native silver, Przesieka, Płonik Mt.
In a nest of massive rock crystal of the size of 12 cm, in a loose granite block. Year of the specimen collection: 1989. Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt %. Admixtures (wt. %, EPMA) Cu Sn Bi Au Hg Fe Zn Pb Co <0.01 Cd ~0.01 Sb ~0.02

9 Native silver, Grabowiec Mt.
In a horizontal veinlet of dark-gray quartz of a thickness of cm, in an almost completely healed fracture. Year of the specimen collection: Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %. Admixtures (wt. %, EPMA) Cu Sn Bi not found Au ~0.04 Hg ~0.01 Fe not found Zn Pb ~0.01 Co not found Cd <0.01 Sb not found

10 Native silver, Łomnickie Rozdroże near Karpacz
In a verical veinlet of milky quartz, filled from both sides by subhedral zoned crystals, vein thickness ca cm. Year of the specimen collection: 1973. Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt %. Admixtures (wt. %, EPMA) Cu Sn Bi Au ~0.04 Hg ~0.01 Fe Zn Pb Co not found Cd ~0.02 Sb ~0.01

11 Native silver on quartz, Kowarska Czuba (Mt.)
Horizontal vein of a thickness ca cm, filled by gray quartz with numerous, partly healed fractures. Silver in isolated, incompletely filled void in such fracture. Year of the specimen collection: 1976. Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %. Admixtures (wt. %, EPMA) Cu Sn not found Bi Au Hg Fe not found Zn not found Pb not found Co not found Cd not found Sb ~0.01

12 Native silver, Strużnickie Rocks
In pegmatoid secretion (feldspars, gray subhedral quartz with pale amethyst heads, biotite, lithium micas, hematite) of the visible dimensions ca. 22×39 cm, silver under thin layer of quartz. Year of the specimen collection: 1985. Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %. Admixtures (wt. % EPMA) Cu Sn not found Bi ~0.01 Au Hg ~0.01 Fe Zn not found Pb not found Co not found Cd not found Sb not found

13 Native silver with calcite on quartz, Rybień Mt.
In a small void (ca. 1×1.5×3 cm) upholstered with tiny (1-3 mm) quartz and calcite crystals, in a horizontal veinlet of gray quartz ca. 6 cm thick. Year of the specimen collection: 1979. Th of fluid inclusions in quartz 90-95ºC, S wt. %. Admixtures (wt. %, EPMA) Cu Pb Au Sb ~0.03 Zn Bi Cd ~ Fe Sn Co ~0.01 Hg

14 Metal admixtures in native silver
Darker shades – variation of the lower concentration ranges, one shade – variation from the non-detectible concentrations.

15 Acanthite, Rybień Mt. The vein similar to that earlier described from the same location, but thicker (ca. 15 cm), the void with acanthite had dimensions ca. 1.5×4×7 cm; it was upholstered by hipautomorphic quartz with several 1-2 mm grains of pyrite. Year of the specimen collection: 1980. Monoclinic 2/m (pseudoorthorhombic) <179ºC Chemical composition, wt. %: Ag 86.99, Cu 0.02, S 12.90, Ʃ Ag2S Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %.

16 Acanthite, paramorph after argentite, Szklarska Poręba Huta
In a vertical veinlet of light-gray quartz of a thickness ca. 2 cm with rare, elongated voids of the dimensions up to 4×10×15 mm; in quartz and in the voids single pyrite grains. Year of the specimen collection: 2000. Argentite – cubic >179ºC Chemical composition, wt. %: Ag 86.84, Cu 0.05, Se 0.11, S 12.87, Ʃ 99.87; Ag2S Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %.

17 Matildite, Piastów, southern slope of Ptak Mt., near the road
In a void 11×23×35 mm in thick part (up to 5 cm) of a veinlet of gray quartz of thickness ca. 3 cm, with 3 grains of pyrite, 1 grain of chalcopyrite and 1 grain of galena. Year of the specimen collection: 1993. Trigonal, ditrigonal scalenohedron class; the specimen is a multiple twin of rhombohedrons. Chemical composition, wt. %: Ag Bi 54.71, S 16.77, Ʃ AgBiS2 Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %.

18 Stromeyerite, Hutniczy Ridge, SE from Janowice Wielkie
In a horizontal gray quartz vein with rare K-spar crystals; vein thickness cm, the void with stromeyerite of the dimensions 2×8×13 cm, was upholstered by fine quartz crystals with several pyrite grains and two chalcopyrite grains. Year of the cpecimen collection: 1975. Orthorhombic mmm Chemical composition, wt. %: Ag 52.87, Cu 31.20, Fe 0.02, Se 0.03, S 15.71, Ʃ 99.83; AgCuS Th of fluid inclusions in quartz ºC, S wt. %.

19 Proustyt, Kowarska Czuba (Mt.)
In a horizontal vein of light-gray quartz cm thick with relatively numerous incompletely healed fractures and voids of the dimensions up to 0.8×4×7 cm. Voids are upholstered by tiny (to 2 mm) quartz crystals with not numerous pyrite grains. Moreover, single crystals of chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and loellingite were found. Year of the specimen collection: 1992. Proustite, trigonal, ditrigonal scalenohedron class Chemical composition, wt. %: Ag 65.37, As 14.98, Sb 0.05, S 19.40, Ʃ 99.80; Ag3AsS3 Th of fluid inclusions in quartz 73-78ºC, S wt. %.

20 Chlorargyrite, Rozdroże pod Cichą Równią
In a verical veinlet of light-gray quartz ca. 4 cm thick with numerous incompletely healed fractures; voids up to 4×12×40 mm, upholstered by1-2 mm quartz crystals with single grains of pyrite, arsenopyrite, hematite or goethite. Year of the specimen collection: 1991. Cubic Chemical composition, wt. %: Ag 74.32, Cl 23.49, Br 1.85, I 0.30, Ʃ Ag(Cl0.962Br0.034I0.004)

21 Occurrences of silver minerals other than native silver, marked by coloured diamonds; chlorargyrite: RC – Rozdroże pod Cichą Równią; acanthite (paramorph): SP – Szklarska Poręba Huta; matildite: P – Piastów, Ptak Mt.; proustite: KC – Kowarska Czuba; acanthite: R –Rybień Mt.; stromeyerite: HG – Hutniczy Grzbiet (Ridge).


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