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Microsoft Office Illustrated

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1 Microsoft Office 2013 - Illustrated
Unit L: Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables

2 Objectives Plan and design a PivotTable report
Create a PivotTable report Change a PivotTable’s summary function and design Filter and sort PivotTable data Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

3 Objectives (cont’d.) Update a PivotTable report
Explore PivotTable Data Relationships Create a PivotChart report Use the GETPIVOTDATA function Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

4 Plan and Design a PivotTable Report
PivotTable: summarizes data by rearranging (“pivoting”) the contents Guidelines: Review the source data Know purpose of the PivotTable Determine fields to summarize and summary functions to use Decide how to arrange the data Determine PivotTable’s location Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

5 Plan and Design a PivotTable Report (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

6 Create a PivotTable Report
Populate: add fields to areas within the PivotTable Report Filter: field to filter to show selected data Row Labels: fields describing row values Column Labels: appear above PivotTable values to describe columns Values: summarize the numeric data Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

7 Create a PivotTable Report (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

8 Create a PivotTable Report (cont’d.)
Changing the PivotTable layout Compact form: default layout Click the PIVOTTABLE TOOLS DESIGN tab, click the Report Layout button in the Layout group, then click either: Show in Outline Form or Show in Tabular Form Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

9 Change a PivotTable’s Summary Function and Design
Summary function: controls calculations used to summarize data Default summary functions: SUM: numeric data COUNT: data fields containing text Format PivotTable values Click the Field Settings button in the Active Field group and apply format, e.g., Currency, in the Category list Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

10 Change a PivotTable’s Summary Function and Design (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

11 Change a PivotTable’s Summary Function and Design (cont’d.)
Formatted PivotTable Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

12 Filter and Sort PivotTable Data
Slicer: graphic object with set buttons for easy filtering Report filter: apply with list arrow Show data based on selected fields Sort: ascending or descending order Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

13 Filter and Sort PivotTable Data (cont’d.)
Slicers for Product ID and Branch fields Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

14 Filter and Sort PivotTable Data (cont’d.)
PivotTable filtered by Product ID and Branch Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

15 Update a PivotTable Report
Data Source: linked data used to create PivotTable PivotTable values read-only Refresh: update PivotTable when source changed Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

16 Update a PivotTable Report (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

17 Update a PivotTable Report (cont’d.)
Adding a calculated field to a PivotTable Click any cell in the PivotTable, click the PIVOTTABLE TOOLS ANALYZE tab, click the Fields, Items, & Sets button in the Calculations group, then click Calculated Field Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

18 Update a PivotTable Report (cont’d.)
Adding a calculated field to a PivotTable (cont’d.) Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

19 Explore PivotTable Data Relationships
PivotTable: powerful analysis tool due to the ability to change the way data is organized Move fields to different positions in the report Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

20 Explore PivotTable Data Relationships (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

21 Explore PivotTable Data Relationships (cont’d.)
Adding conditional formatting to a PivotTable Applied to cells in a PivotTable the same way as it is to non-PivotTable data Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

22 Create a PivotChart Report
PivotChart report: chart created from data or from a PivotTable report Changes to PivotChart are reflected in corresponding PivotTable Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

23 Create a PivotChart Report (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

24 Use the GETPIVOTDATA Function
Retrieves summary data from a PivotTable Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

25 Use the GETPIVOTDATA Function (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

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