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ILD Soft & Analysis meeting

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1 ILD Soft & Analysis meeting
MC Production - Status and plan - Akiya Miyamoto 2 August 2017 ILD Soft & Analysis meeting

2 ILCSoft v01-19-04 Released 27 July as a pre-production release
with some fixes for the ILD simulation models. together with ILDConfig v , including steering files for simulation and reconstruction. gear files: ILD_l4_v02, ILD_s4_v02, ILD_l5_v02, ILD_s5_v02 For details, ILCDirac configurations: ddsim, marlin : ILCSoft _gcc49 ILDConfig : v _lcgeo Akiya Miyamoto, 2 August, 2017

3 A plan and status of test sample productions
Baed on a report on 4 July and discussions/suggestions since then. Set1: single-particles : Input file directory : /ilc/user/a/amiyamot/mygen/single_particles/data2 Momentum=[1,2,5,10,20,50,100] GeV; phi=[0, 2pi], costh=[-1,1] 20k events of mu+, gamma, k0L 10k events of pi+, e+, pi0, K+, K0S, p uds: Input file directory: /ilc/user/s/sgreen/StdHepFiles/Z_uds/ Energy=[30, 40, 60, 91, 120, 160, 200, 240, 300, 350, 400, 500] GeV, 10k events each Detector models: ILD_l4_v02 and ILD_s4_v02. Other models will be tried later. Data directory: /ilc/prod/ilc/mc-opt/ild/[sim|rec]/calib/[uds|single_PDGxxx]/… /ilc/prod/ilc/mc-opt.dsk/ild/[dst|simlog|reclog]/calib/[uds|single_PDGxxx]/… dst-merged files are not created. Written to DESY-SRM, rec files are replicated to KEK-SRM Status: Many error messages in Marlin job logs. Needs check by experts. Neglect for now UDS samples are available for use. Found # of events in single particle marlin jobs are not enough. re-do marlin. The latest information, see /ilc/prod/ilc/mc-opt/ild/rec/calib/single_PDG22/ILD_l4_v02/v _lcgeo/u014/ rv _lcgeo.mILD_l4_v02.Pmcparticles_PDG22_MOM020GeV.n001_1.d_rec_u014.slcio Akiya Miyamoto, 2 August, 2017

4 Plan: set 2 to test physics analysis
Production conditions Aiming to test existing analysis code with new samples. Not for physics study DBD generator samples as inputs No overlay of aa_lowpt, guinea_pig pairs on BCAL & VTX Number of events : not many but meaning full number of events. Not full SM processes. Only signal channels. Detector models: ILD_l4_v02, ILD_s4_v02. Other models if possible Processes ( not same as July 4 plan ) 6f_ttbar semi-leptonic 500 GeV. 1 stdhep file (~17k events ) of following processes yyxylv, eL.pR/eR.pL (I108675, I108676) yyvlyx, eL_pR/eR.pL(I108673, I198674) yyxyev, eL.pR/eR.pL(I108670, I108671) yyveyx, eL.pR/eR.pL(I108669, I108668) mumuH, 250GeV. 1 stehep file ( 10~17k events each ) e2e2h, eL.pR/eR.pL (I106479, I106480) ffh, hZZ4v. 1 stdhep file (20k events each ) ffh_zz_4n, eL.pR/eR.pL (I108066, I108067) any other ?. Send me explicit requests including names who will analize. Issues DST-merged files will be produced. Written to DESY-SRM, KEK-SRM. other ? Needs tests of ILCDirac production scripts Hopefully, completes by 31 August. But there many interruptions. Akiya Miyamoto, 2 August, 2017

5 Plan: Additional samples for tests – Set3
depends on the results of the studies of set1 and set2 Samples for LCFIPlus tuning bb, cc, qq of Zpole and 250 GeV 6b, 6c, 6q, 4b, 6c, 4q events at 500 GeV 100k events of each type Samples will be used by LCFIPlus group for tunning. Background event files aa_lowpt pair backgrounds  Input event files and number of events are yet to be decided Akiya Miyamoto, 2 August, 2017

6 Summary Test productions with the latest ILCSoft has been started.
uds and single particle event samples are almost ready for ILD_l4/s4_v02 Analysis by many users are highly welcomed. Production of test physics samples will start soon. Production of other calibration samples and background events will follow. Please check produced samples and give us any feedback. Akiya Miyamoto, 5 July 2017

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