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材料科学与工程专业英语 Special English for Materials Science and Engineering

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1 材料科学与工程专业英语 Special English for Materials Science and Engineering
Unit16 Introduction to Composites Unit 17 Properties of composite mateirals

2 Composites A composite materials is commonly defined as a combination of two or more distinct materials that cannot be achieved by any of the components acting alone. Combine materials with the objective of getting a more desirable combination of properties

3 Applications: Aerospace industry Sporting Goods Industry Automotive Industry Home Appliance Industry

4 Reinforced concrete:钢筋混凝土 Fiberglass:纤维玻璃 Resin:树脂
Words Reinforced concrete:钢筋混凝土 Fiberglass:纤维玻璃 Resin:树脂 Questions What is the composite? Can you give some examples? Which two phases do the composite materials have?

5 Kevlar:凯夫拉尔,纤维B(一种质地牢固重量轻的合成纤维);杜邦公司使用在芳族聚酰胺纤维商品上的注册商标
Words Graphite:石墨 Kevlar:凯夫拉尔,纤维B(一种质地牢固重量轻的合成纤维);杜邦公司使用在芳族聚酰胺纤维商品上的注册商标 Epoxy resin:环氧树脂

6 Terminology/Classification
• Composites: -- Multiphase material with significant proportions of each phase. woven fibers cross section view 0.5 mm • Matrix: -- The continuous phase -- Purpose is to: - transfer stress to other phases - protect phases from environment -- Classification: MMC, CMC, PMC metal ceramic polymer • Dispersed phase: -- Purpose: enhance matrix properties. MMC: increase sy, TS, creep resist. CMC: increase Kc PMC: increase E, sy, TS, creep resist. -- Classification: Particle, fiber, structural Reprinted with permission from D. Hull and T.W. Clyne, An Introduction to Composite Materials, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, New York, 1996, Fig. 3.6, p. 47. 6

7 Composite Survey: Fiber
Particle-reinforced Fiber-reinforced Structural Fibers themselves are very strong Provide significant strength improvement to material Ex: fiber-glass Continuous glass filaments in a polymer matrix Strength due to fibers Polymer simply holds them in place and environmentally protects them 7

8 Composite Survey: Fiber
Particle-reinforced Fiber-reinforced Structural Fiber Materials Whiskers - Thin single crystals - large length to diameter ratio graphite, SiN, SiC high crystal perfection – extremely strong, strongest known very expensive Fibers polycrystalline or amorphous generally polymers or ceramics Ex: Al2O3 , Aramid, E-glass, Boron, UHMWPE Wires Metal – steel, Mo, W 8

9 Fiber Alignment aligned continuous aligned random discontinuous
Adapted from Fig. 16.8, Callister 7e. aligned continuous aligned random discontinuous 9

10 Properties of composite materials
Unit 17 Properties of composite materials

11 Words Question Isotropic:各向同性的 Orthotropic:正交各向异性的 Moment:力矩
Mechanics of composite materials Words Isotropic:各向同性的 Orthotropic:正交各向异性的 Moment:力矩 Thermoset:热固体 Thermoplastic:热塑体 Orientation:取向 Poisson’s ratio:泊松比 Question What is the difference between isotropic materials and orthotropic materials

12 Words Question Delamination: 脱层 buckling 压曲;压弯 Net section:净截面
Failure of composites Words Delamination: 脱层 buckling 压曲;压弯 Net section:净截面 Question What is the difference between isotropic materials and orthotropic materials

13 Advanced Aerospace Application:
Advantage of composite materials Why use composites? Strength, stiffness and lightness Boeing 767 (and in 777, 787 airplanes w/ the latest, full wing box is composite): Advanced Aerospace Application:

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