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Changing the way you act towards the innocent!!

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Presentation on theme: "Changing the way you act towards the innocent!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing the way you act towards the innocent!!
By: Heather Spivey

2 Two different types of animal cruelty!
Active Passive Two different types of animal cruelty!

3 Animal Abuse!


5 Animal Testing

6 Farm Animals

7 Farm animals

8 Circus Animals

9 Zoo animals

10 Bull Fighting



13 Puppy mills

14 Why People do this!

15 Why we shouldn’t do this!

16 IDA What is being done?


18 NAVS What is being done?

19 Save the species of the animals!


21 Works Cited… humanity Pet-Abuse.Com and the AARDAS project with each instance of the graphs

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