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1914-1918: The World at War.

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1 : The World at War

2 Differing Viewpoints “Family Feud” “Fall of the Eagles”
“The War to End All Wars” “The War to ‘Make the World Safe for Democracy’”

3 Europe in 1914

4 1896 First Modern Olympic Games in Athens
I. By the early 1900s there were many efforts at fostering peace in Europe and ending war. 1896 First Modern Olympic Games in Athens Alfred Nobel: set up the annual Nobel Peace Prize Women’s organizations promote pacifism Goverments back peace efforts i First Universal Peace Conference- set up the Hague Tribunal (world court to settle disputes between nations)

5 II. As much effort as there was a fostering peace, the seeds (causes) of WWI were planted in the years preceding They include: Aggressive Nationalism i. Germany- proud of military power & industrial leadership ii. French- bitter about defeat in Franco-Prussian War & German occupation of Alsace & Lorraine; wanted revenge iii. Russia- supported Pan-Slavism (idea that all Slavic peoples share a common nationality) & Serbia iv. Austria-Hungary & Ottoman Empire- threatened by rising nationalism in their empires

6 B. Imperialism: competition for colonies brings nations (example-France & Germany) to the brink of war and other nations closer (example- Britain & France) C. Militarism: i. Due to the battle for colonies nations adopted this policy 1. nations expand their armies and navies 2. increased suspicions and made war more likely ii. Readiness for war dominates national policy in many countries and government turn to military leaders for advice

7 1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditures
Militarism & Arms Race Total Defense Expenditures for the Great Powers [Ger., A-H, It., Fr., Br., Rus.] in millions of £s. 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1914 94 130 154 268 289 398 Increase in Defense Expenditures France 10% Britain 13% Russia 39% Germany 73%

8 Economic & Imperial Rivalries

9 Aggressive Nationalism

10 D. Tangle of Alliances i. Distrust led great powers to sign treaties pledging to defend one another ii. The Entente is upset when Otto von Bismarck creates the German empire and this leads to a string of entangling alliances 1. Central Powers: Germany, Italy, & Austria-Hungary 2. Allies: Britain, France, & Russia

11 1. The Alliance System Triple Entente: Triple Alliance:

12 Two Armed Camps! Allied Powers: Central Powers:

13 Victor Emmanuel II [It]
The Major Players: Allied Powers: Central Powers: Nicholas II [Rus] Wilhelm II [Ger] George V [Br] Victor Emmanuel II [It] Enver Pasha [Turkey] Pres. Poincare [Fr] Franz Josef [A-H]

14 III. Assassination in Sarajevo (capital of Bosnia; home of many Serbs)
Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary announces a visit to Sarajevo on June 28, 1914 i. Serbians are outraged 1. view Austrians as foreign oppressors 2. June 28th is an important date in Serbian history a. June 28, Serbia conquered by Ottoman Empire b. June 28, Serbia freed itself

15 Archduke Franz Ferdinand & His Family

16 The Assassin: Gavrilo Princip

17 The Assassination: Sarajevo

18 ii. Members of Unity of Death (Serbia terrorist group) vowed to take action
B. Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie are assassinated by Gavrilo Princip i. Austria-Hungary convinced that the Serbian government is behind the assassination

19 IV. Conflict Spreads Quickly
Austria-Hungary sent Serbia an ultimatum must end all anti-Austrian protests & punish any Serbian official involved in the assassination. i. Serbia agrees to most, but not all, of Austria’s ultimatum ii. July 28, 1914 Austria declared war on Serbia 1. sets off a chain of alliances- Germany backed Austria; Serbia sought help from Russia

20 Pan-Slavism: The Balkans, 1914 The “Powder Keg” of Europe

21 Who’s To Blame?

22 2. Russia’s czar Nicholas II asked the Austrian emperor William II to soften his demands; Austria refused; Russia began to mobilize its military forces for war 3.Germany declares war on Russia 4. Russia turns to France; Germany demands France stay out; France refuses & Germany declares war on France 5. Germans put the Schlieffen Plan into action invading neutral Belgium which causes Britain to declare war on Germany

23 The “Spark”

24 The Schlieffen Plan

25 German Atrocities in Belgium

26 Mobilization Home by Christmas! No major war in 50 years! Nationalism!
It's a long way to Tipperary, It's a long way to go; To the sweetest girl I know! Goodbye, Piccadilly, Farewell, Leicester Square, It's a long, long way to Tipperary, But my heart's right there!

27 Recruitment Posters

28 A German Boy Pretends to Be a Soldier


30 Women and the War Effort

31 For Recruitment

32 Munitions Workers

33 German Women Factory Workers

34 Red Cross Nurses

35 Russian Women Soldiers

36 The Western Front: A “War of Attrition”

37 A Multi-Front War

38 The Western Front

39 Trench Warfare

40 Trench Warfare “No Man’s Land”

41 The Somme – July, 1916 60,000 British soldiers killed in one day.
Over 1,000,000 killed in 5 months.

42 War Is HELL !!

43 Sacrifices in War

44 Krupp’s “Big Bertha” Gun

45 The Eastern Front

46 The Gallipoli Disaster, 1915

47 The “Colonial” Fronts

48 Sikh British Soldiers in India

49 Fighting in Africa Black Soldiers in the German Schutztruppen [German E. Africa] British Sikh Mountain Gunners

50 3rd British Battalion, Nigerian Brigade
Fighting in Africa 3rd British Battalion, Nigerian Brigade

51 Fighting in Salonika, Greece
French colonial marine infantry from Cochin, China

52 America Joins the Allies

53 The Sinking of the Lusitania

54 The Zimmerman Telegram

55 Americans in the Trenches

56 The War of the Industrial Revolution: New Technology

57 French Renault Tank

58 British Tank at Ypres

59 U-Boats

60 Allied Ships Sunk by U-Boats

61 “Squadron Over the Brenta” Max Edler von Poosch, 1917
The Airplane “Squadron Over the Brenta” Max Edler von Poosch, 1917

62 Looking for the “Red Baron?”

63 The Zeppelin

64 Flame Throwers Grenade Launchers

65 Poison Gas Machine Gun

66 11 a.m., November 11, 1918

67 9,000,000 Dead

68 The Somme American Cemetary, France
116,516 Americans Died

69 World War I Casualties

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