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Be The One: Mentor Training

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Presentation on theme: "Be The One: Mentor Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be The One: Mentor Training
Wednesday, Jan 13th Reframing Thought Patterns

2 Initial Connection Activity (8:30-8:50)
Nancy: Welcome and Opening Question “If you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” --Henry Ford

3 Lesson Focus (8:50-9:10) Curtis Atneosen/Trainer Brief Review (prior training—3 min) Continuum: Failure Identity vs. Success Identity Basic Needs: Love, Power, Fun, Freedom

4 Lesson Focus (8:50-9:10) Choice Map: What we tell ourselves determines our direction—Learner or Judger

5 Lesson Focus (8:50-9:10) Cognitive Distortions (or Stinkin’ Thinkin’) Handout All or Nothing Overgeneralization Mental Filter Disqualify the Positive Jumping to Conclusions Magnification Emotional Reasoning Should Statements Labeling/mislabeling Personalization

6 Application Activities (9:10-9:45)
Reframing Game: “This is a ” “Believe you can and you are halfway there.” --Theodore Roosevelt

7 Application Activities (9:10-9:45)
Our words are powerful. Change your words, change your mind! Break-out groups: Replacing and Reframing Try these words: crisis problem disruptive impatient What personal cognitive distortions do you use (or hear your mentee use)? How could you reframe these?

8 Break Time! (9:45-9:55) Enjoy a snack and conversation with someone new! “No matter how much you learn or how many tools you have, your success lies in the conversations you have with yourself.”

9 Positive Feedback (9:55-10:05)
Mentor/Mentee stories (Lisa)

10 Question/Answer Time (10:05-10:20)
What questions do you have for us? What issues are coming up for you in your relationships with your students? Other things you are wondering about?

11 Conclusion (10:20-10:30) Announcements: Nancy Appreciation/wrap up
February Training: “Cross Cultural Understanding” See you then!

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