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MIS Professor Sandvig MIS 324 Professor Sandvig

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1 MIS 324 -- Professor Sandvig MIS 324 Professor Sandvig
6/6/2018 MVC Views MIS 324 Professor Sandvig

2 MIS 324 -- Professor Sandvig
6/6/2018 Outline MVC Views Role HTML Helpers Razor

3 Role Views provide user interface Displays information Collect data
Via Forms

4 Location Views folder Subfolder for each controller
.cshtml file for each view

5 Location Default: Example: View name matches action method
Controller name: dice Action method: index Calls: Views/dice/index.cshtml public ActionResult Index() { Return View(); }

6 Razor Syntax .NET MVC Views support Razor Syntax
Razor: mixes html & C# Extension: .cshtml Razor prefixed Example:

7 Razor Syntax Multi-statement code block Use @{ …. } Example: @{
string date = DateTime.Now. ToLongDateString(); string greeting = "Hello!"; } Today </h3>

8 Razor Syntax Supports C# control structures If If else For loops Etc.
Example: @for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Go Vikings!</h3> }

9 Razor Syntax Display model values:

10 HTML Helpers Generate HTML in view Textboxes Dropdown lists
Validation messages Labels etc.

11 HTML Helpers Benefits: Two-directional: Validation
Display data from controller Pass user inputs to controller Validation Strongly typed data to model

12 HTML Helpers HTML helper created by VS: HTML:
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name, new { htmlAttributes = new = "form-control" } }) HTML: <input class="form-control text-box single-line" data-val="true" data-val-required="The Name field is required." id="Name" name="Name" type="text" value="Apollo" />

13 Validation Model Add DataAnnotations namespace
“Decorate” properties with validation

14 Validation Attributes
Default validation attributes Required StringLength Range RegularExpression CreditCard CustomValidation Address FileExtension MaxLength MinLength Phone

15 Validation Controller Form data is mapped to model
Datatype & other attributes validated ModelState.IsValid

16 View VS examines model and generates view Contains form elements:
Form tag Controls for user input Validation controls Labels Layout (using Bootstrap CSS framework)

17 HTML Helpers HTML Helper controls Use Razor syntax Write HTML
Populate controls with model data Communicate with validation controls Examples: Html.TextBoxFor Html.TextAreaFor Html.CheckBoxFor Html.RadioButtonFor Html.DropDownListFor Html.EditorFor

18 HTML Helpers Example 1 - checkbox HTML helper: HTML Browser view
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.IsSeaHawkFan) SeaHawks Fan? HTML <input checked="checked" class="check-box" data-val="true" data-val-required="The Seahawk Fan? field is required." id="IsSeaHawkFan" name="IsSeaHawkFan" type="checkbox" value="true" /> SeaHawks Fan? Browser view

19 HTML Helpers Example 2: textbox Html Helper HTML Browser
@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.FName, new { htmlAttributes = new = "form-control" }, autofocus = "autofocus" }) HTML <input autofocus="autofocus" data-val="true" data-val-required="The First Name field is required." htmlAttributes="{ class = form-control }" id="FName" name="FName" type="text" value="" /> Browser

20 View Often need to edit default view Example: BigWebForm
Add options for dropdown lists and radio buttons Modify formatting Relatively easy Example: BigWebForm

21 MIS 324 -- Professor Sandvig
6/6/2018 Web Form Summary

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