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International Collaborative e-learning in Social Work

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1 International Collaborative e-learning in Social Work
CAB meeting in Tromsø: ICT enhanced learning 12 februar 2010 International Collaborative e-learning in Social Work Grete Oline Hole, Høgskolen i Bergen

2 Agenda Backdrop Pedagogical philosophy and didactical choices
Tasks and learning material promoting collaboration ICT tools; - and the use of them Within and outside VLE (it’s learning) Questions?

3 Background: VIRCLASS & SW-VirCamp
for BA students in SW: “Comparative SW” VIRCLASS a collaboration between 9 European (HEI) partners Since 2004 326 BA students, 13 teachers participated so far Collaboration: Make a competence-based CP. Develop learning material. Teach and supervise during the courses Module 1: 10 ECTS, Module 2: 3 parallel options. Each at 5 ECTS SW-VirCamp towards an international specialisation in SW. 12 partners. EU grant October A a pilot course in Community Work started 25th January 2010

4 Pedagogical Philosophy and Didactical Choices

5 Teaching and Learning Philosophy
Student-centred, Situated learning Emphasis on collaboration and knowledge sharing (within the socio-cultural framework) Transparency Reflection on learning processes Portfolio assessment (working portfolio/ assessment portfolio) Hands-on training, structured after The Steps of becoming an e-learner (Salmon 2002/ 2004) Social Inquiry (Garrison & Anderson 2003) Task-centred  Stepwise towards the wanted learning outcome (“Competences”)

6 Salmons 5 steps

7 “Community of Inquiry”

8 “Social Presence”

9 And the “Norwegian Diamond”:

10 Task which demands collaboration

11 Cooperation or collaboration?

12 Different tools for different purposes
Different tasks towards different learning outcome: Groups of 3: “Describe the situation in your country towards XXXX (1500 word). Upload the document in your e-portfolio (blog). Read your 2 peer-students papers. Discuss commonalities and differences in a chat. Make a copy of the chat an upload in your e-portfolio. Write a reflection note about your experiences during this task”. Multi- modal case used to give a common reference Deliberate choice of tools (Munkvold & al 2008) synchrone and asynchrone within the VLE and outside collaborative writing: Google docs. Blog. (Wiki’s)... Web 2.0 : free, easy to use, gives more “transparency” than VLE

13 Virbook: from a Case to the Green Park Community

14 Case in 12 scenes:

15 The Green Park Community: a dynamic blog with many stories

16 The Green Park Community: a dynamic blog with many stories

17 Webpages: VIRCLASS
Sw-VirCamp (New VIRTUAL book: E-pedagogy in HEI

18 The Green Park Community: a dynamic blog with many stories

19 The Green Park Community: a dynamic blog with many stories

20 Webpages: VIRCLASS
Sw-VirCamp (New VIRTUAL book: E-pedagogy in HEI

21 References (i): Garrison, DR & Anderson, T (2003) E-Learning in the 21st Century. A Framework for Research and Practice. London and New York, Routledge Falmer  Hoem, J (2009) Personal Publishing Environments  Larsen, AK, Hole, GO, Fahlvik, M (2007) Developing a Virtual Book – Material for Virtual Learning environments. vol 3, issue 3.The future of the Learning Management System

22 References (ii) Larsen, AK, Astray, AA, Sanders, R, Hole GO (2008): E-teacher Challenges and Competences in International Comparative Social Work Courses. Social Work Education vol. 27, issue 6 pp  Munkvold, R, Fjeldavli, A, Hjertø, G. and Hole, GO (2008) Nettbasert undervisning: En ressursbok for undervisnings-personell. (Internet-based teaching. A resource for educators) Høyskoleforlaget Salmon, G (2002/2004) E-Moderating: The key to teaching and learning online. London, Routledge Falmer

23 Questions?

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