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Cry of groaning – Song of praise

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1 Cry of groaning – Song of praise
Psalm 22

2 Personal cries – words of trust
Cry not answered “but” thou art holy and trusted (Psm. 22:1-2; 3-5)

3 Personal cries – words of trust
Cry not answered “but” thou art holy and trusted (Psm. 22:1-2; 3-5) I am a worm, no man “but” Thou art my god from the womb (Psm. 22:6-11)

4 Personal cries – words of trust
Cry not answered “but” thou art holy and trusted (Psm. 22:1-2; 3-5) I am a worm, no man “but” Thou art my god from the womb (Psm. 22:6-11) My strength is dried up among enclosing enemy “But” god is my help, not far off (Psm. 22:12-21)

5 Song of praise… Psm. 22: 22-31 I will declare thy name to brethren (v.22) Ye that fear Jehovah glorify Him (v.23)

6 Song of praise… Psm. 22: 22-31 I will declare thy name to brethren (v.22) Ye that fear Jehovah glorify Him (v.23) Stand in awe for he has not hid face- hears cry (v.24-25)

7 Song of praise… Psm. 22: 22-31 I will declare thy name to brethren (v.22) Ye that fear Jehovah glorify Him (v.23) Stand in awe for he has not hid face- hears cry (v.24-25) The meek shall eat and praise Jehovah (v.26) All nations shall remember and praise Jehovah (v.27-29)

8 Song of praise… Psm. 22: 22-31 I will declare thy name to brethren (v.22) Ye that fear Jehovah glorify Him (v.23) Stand in awe for he has not hid face- hears cry (v.24-25) The meek shall eat and praise Jehovah (v.26) All nations shall remember and praise Jehovah (v.27-29) Future generations shall declare Lord’s Righteousness - What he hath done (v.30-31)

9 Psm. 22:1 – Matt. 27:46 Psm. 22:7 – Matt. 27:39 Psm. 22:8 – Matt. 27:43 Psm. 22:18- Jn. 19:24

10 Psm. 22:1 – Matt. 27:46 Psm. 22:7 – Matt. 27:39 Psm. 22:8 – Matt. 27:43 Psm. 22:18- Jn. 19:24 Jesus not Abandoned – Jn.8:28-29; 16:32

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