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2 Starter List as many facts as you can about the product shown XBOX 360

3 Learning Objectives Must: be able to state 2 ways a manufacturer decides upon a product Should: be able to evaluate the features of a product Could: be able to identify weaknesses in a product design and suggest improvements

4 What makes a good product?
Products Quality? Price? Design? Desirable? How many more can you add?

5 Deciding a Product How do manufacturers decide what goods to produce?
Using research Redesigning an existing product Copying a Rival firm

6 Features of Product Design
Description Function Describes exactly what the product does Composition A detailed description of the materials used e.g. the ingredients Design A product must be pleasing to the eye, taste and touch, easy to pack, transport and store Safety Products must match all of current British and European laws, and must not harm the environment Cost The price must compete with rival products

7 Design your product in the centre of a page and add in the comments around it
Individual Task Picture of Product Function Safety Design & Name Cost Composition Describe what your product does What are your ingredients? What laws must you be aware of? How much will you charge for your product? What does your product look like? What is it called?

8 Team Task Put all of your designs in the centre of the table so that they are visible to all team members Each team member should write down 3 things they like about each persons design and 1 thing they do not like (you must say how you think the design could have been improved) As a group you must decide which of the designs you wish to present to Sir Alan Sugar

9 Homework Using the spider diagram for your own products design, analyse a product of your choice, for example a chocolate bar or games console You must give a description of Function Composition Design Price And if you can, Safety Include pictures where appropriate

10 Plenary What are the 5 features of product design?
What are the 3 ways a manufacturer decides upon a product? What Enterprise Skills have you used today? What level did you achieve?

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