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Problem Case 호흡기 내과 R2 오원택.

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Presentation on theme: "Problem Case 호흡기 내과 R2 오원택."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem Case 호흡기 내과 R2 오원택

2 2004년 7월 COPD – Chronic bronchitis type
M/67 이0재 내원일: 주소: 호흡 곤란 시작일: 내원 3일전 현병력 : 2004년 7월 COPD – Chronic bronchitis type ( FEV1 : 28%, FEV1/FVC : 31% - GOLD criteria stage IV ) 로 계속해서 내과 외래를 다니던 환자로 3일전부터 cough, sputum, mild dyspnea 있던중 내원일 새벽부터 dyspnea 심해져 ER 경유 입원 과거력: 당뇨(+): 2년 전, OHA 고혈압/결핵/간염(-/-/-) 수술력(-) 가족력 : 특이 사항 없음 개인력 : 술 (+) - 소주 1병/주1회 담배 (-) - ex-smoker 2 years ago, 40PY

3 Review of system Physical examination
General : fatigue(+) weight loss(-) fever(-) chills(-) Skin : rash(-) pigmentation(-) Itching(-) Respiatory : cough(+) sputum(+) : prulent, many dyspnea(+) : 3 days ago, more aggravated Cardiac : chest discomfort(-) orthopnea(-) palpiation(-) Gastointestinal : abdominal pain(-), A/N/V/D/C (-/-/-/-/-) Physical examination V/S : 110/60 mmHg - 118/min - 22/min ℃ General : Drowsy mentality, acute ill looking apearance Chest : Coarse breathing sound with wheezing at BLL Rapid heart beat without murmur Abdomen : Normoactive bowel sound, Soft & flat abdomen Tenderness/Rebound tenderness(-/-)

4 Impression Plan 1. COPD with exacerbation 2. Type 2 DM
Diagnostic - 1) CBC/DC, CRP, ABGA 2) Chest X ray 3) Sputum D/S and culture for AFB, Bacteria Therapeutic – 1) O2 supply, bronchodilators 2) antibiotics

5 Laboratory Finding (initial)
CBC/DC : 9640/mm g/dL – 51.7 % /㎣ (Seg %) Chemistry : TB/DB / 0.1 mg/dL AST/ALT / 23 U/L Pro/ALB 7.1 / 3.9 g/dL Glucose mg/dL BUN/Cr / 0.7 mg/dL Na/K/Cl /3.2 /93 mmol/L ABGA : – 39.7 – 32.3 – 73.9 % ( Room air ) CRP : 3.5 mg/dL Cold agglutinin : < 1: Mycoplasma antibody : < 1:4

6 Chest PA (initial)


8 Clinical course I 1. On admission day (05.1.19), intubation → ICU care
Culture : sputum – many of pseudomonas aeruginosa blood - A pure of Burkholderia (Pseudo.) cepacia → Ventilator care + antibiotics 2. On , extubation 1) Last ABGA on ICU : % (O2 3L NP) 2) General ward transferred : ICU - total 16 days

9 Clinical course II 3. On 05.3.1, Dyspnea, sputum developed
V/S) 110/70 mmHg – 106 /min – 28 /min – 36.5 OC CBC/DC : 10,200/mm g/dL – 37.6 % - 254,000/㎣ (Seg %) CRP : 0.6 mg/dL ABGA : ) % (O2 1 L via NP) Sustained dyspnea in spite of deep breathing, bronchodilators 05.3.3) % (O2 0.5L via NP)

10 Chest PA ( )

11 Clinical course III 4. On 05.3.3, Re-Intubation
After many prulent sputum suctioned, T piece was applied. 5. On , NPPV ( Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation ) was considered.


13 Clinical course IV DATE ABGA symptom complication
3.3 18:00, intubation, T FiO (1h) % severe dyspnea 3.4 15:00, NPPV, I/E 12/6 O2 10L (1h) % dyspnea(-) Mask부위 자극 3.5 6:00, NPPV, I/E 12/6 O2 8L (8h) % mild dyspnea 3.6 6:00, NPPV, I/E 12/6 O2 4L (1d) % 3.7 6:00, NPPV, I/E 12/6 O2 8L (1d) % 3.8 6:00, NPPV, I/E 12/4 O2 5L (1d) % Dyspnea improved Mask부위 통증 3.9 6:00, NPPV, I/E 10/3 O2 5L (1d) % 3.9 10:00, VM FiO O2 6L (1h) % 3.12 6:00, VM FiO O2 6L (1d) % 3.14 6:00, VM FiO O2 4L (1d) % :00, NP O2 1L (2h) %

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