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Parental factors and early English education as a foreign language: A case study in Mainland China 10022401 Yong 10022402 Sandra 10022403 May 10022408.

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Presentation on theme: "Parental factors and early English education as a foreign language: A case study in Mainland China 10022401 Yong 10022402 Sandra 10022403 May 10022408."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parental factors and early English education as a foreign language: A case study in Mainland China
Yong Sandra May Seven Sophie Ederward

2 Abstract As English has increasingly become associated with social and economic power in the context of globalization.

3 Introduction As English has increasingly come to be seen as a lingua franca. Parental factors that influence their children’s achievement

4 Discussion Relationship between parental SES and their children’s English learning 2.Parents’ behaviors and beliefs as well as SES influence their children’s learning of English

5 In the Eastern coastal region in China as a case study
Conclusion In the Eastern coastal region in China as a case study


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