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How can the built environment help the natural environment?

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Presentation on theme: "How can the built environment help the natural environment?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can the built environment help the natural environment?
WEEK 4: SUSTAINABILITY How can the built environment help the natural environment?

Write on the board what you think of when you think of the word “Sustainability” Did your classmates write anything you hadn’t thought of?

3 Two Aspects of Sustainability
SUSTAINABLE ACTION SUSTAINABLE DESIGN You know these! Recycle your used materials Use reusable bags, bottles, etc Turn things off when you are not using them Don’t buy things that you do not need Do you know about these yet? Creating products/structures that have the least negative impact on the health of people, the economy of an area, and the environment Meeting the needs of present generation without depleting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

4 Sustainable Design Net-Zero Housing:
atch?v=_2dYry1x_hw Sustainable Bridge Design: atch?v=FhtjprsO8l0 Bridges are also built to help animals safely transit from one side of the road to another, or to help cars drive over important corridors for specific species. There are a lot of innovative bridge designs to help animals.

5 Bridges Solving Environmental Problems
Christmas Island, Australia Crab Migration The Problem: WATCH The Solution: WATCH Are there any other animals you can think of that would benefit from these types of bridges or underpasses?

6 Is THIS the Answer to the Bat Crisis?
Bicycle/Walking Bridge Above Bat Bridge Below Problem: diminishing bat populations (leads to increase in insect population, which leads to increase in diseases carried by insects) Solution: Create a foot/bike bridge that aids people, but also provides safe shelter underneath for bats with roosts that retain a high thermal mass to stabilize climate


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