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2016 AmeriCorps Texas All-Grantee Meeting February 25-26, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "2016 AmeriCorps Texas All-Grantee Meeting February 25-26, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 AmeriCorps Texas All-Grantee Meeting February 25-26, 2016
March 1-2, 2017 2016 AmeriCorps Texas All-Grantee Meeting February 25-26, 2016

2 Monitoring: Climb that Mountain!

3 Monitoring: Mountains of Paperwork?

4 Or: Mountains of happy GOs?

5 Summary of Desk Based Review
23 Grantees submitted files: 90 Full Member Files 59 Member NSCHC Files 39 Staff NSCHC Files

6 Files Reviewed: Files Reviewed 90 Findings
54 Continuous Improvement items Disallowed Costs: Only 9 findings out of 104 have the potential for disallowed costs! Findings and continuous improvement items: explain difference. Findings could result in disallowed costs/ need changes to be made/ regulation T and Cs, FAQs are cited. Continuous Improvement-best practices and not necessarily out of compliance with regulations and less serious. Grant requirement citation tends to go in finding/if not, continuous improvement. /Potential since still in resolution phase.

7 Average number of findings per program:
Summary of Findings Average number of findings per program: 3.9 Findings 2.3 Continuous Improvement items

8 Findings per Program

9 Common Findings: NSCHC NSOPW: Common Findings Missing states on NSOPW
Not adjudicating NSOPW results NSOPW checks completed ON the start date and not before

10 Staff NSCHCs missing the following:
Common findings NSCHC Staff NSCHCs missing the following: Consent forms Documentation that results were reviewed with a signature verification A Statement that applicants do not assume the cost of performing a National Service Criminal History Check. Documentation that the program reviews the results of the criminal registry checks prior to selecting an individual for service or grant funded staff position. Documents in writing that an authorized program representative considered the results in selecting the individual. Unclear what date the staff member first began charging time to the grant Highlight here that we must go back to the first day they started charging time. Use our forms!

11 NSCHC Documentation: Common findings
Dates of initiation on NSCHC Verification Form not matching supporting documentation of initiation Proof of initiation missing FBI results maintained in file as opposed to being discarded Not documenting accompaniment, or not documenting that accompaniment is unnecessary because of no access to vulnerable populations before checks cleared

12 Timesheets: Timesheet entries: Common findings
Not entering end times, so no total hours for the day Not categorizing hours Timesheet math not adding up correctly No training hours recorded

13 Enrollments and Exits:
Common Findings Enrollments and Exits: Missing documentation for why member exit early: Exits for cause Exits for CPC Exit and enrollment dates not aligning MSA start and end date/signature date eGrants enrollment and exit date Timesheet start and end dates CPC: would be a finding if not sufficient documentation but exit for cause is continuous improvement.

14 Member File Documentation
Common Findings Member File Documentation Programs not using approved forms from Program Readiness Review Missing member and/or staff signatures and not including a note/memo about why the person was unavailable Missing documentation of eligibility based on previous terms of service Member files do not include the member position description. Stress previous term and not using approved forms!

15 Common Findings Questions?

16 2016 AmeriCorps Texas All-Grantee Meeting February 25-26, 2016
March 1-2, 2017 2016 AmeriCorps Texas All-Grantee Meeting February 25-26, 2016

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