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S Endings Pronunciation.

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Presentation on theme: "S Endings Pronunciation."— Presentation transcript:

1 S Endings Pronunciation

2 / S / / Z / / iz / likes dogs horses its knows dishes cats owns
surprises laughs loves sports It’s likes / its / dogs / cats / horses / laughs / dishes / knows / owns / loves / sports / surprises / it’s ..

3 /p/ p Ex. laps /t/ T Ex. bits /k/ k Ex. weeks / backs
We pronounce S as /s / sound when the word ends in .. [p], [t], [k], [f] , /Ө/ /p/ p Ex. laps /t/ T Ex. bits /k/ k Ex. weeks / backs /F/ f – ph – gh Ex. briefs /Ө/ Th Ex. mouths

4 [b], [d], [g], /ᶞ/, [l], [r], [w], [m], [n], [v], [h], [y]
We pronounce S as /z / sound when the word ends in .. [b], [d], [g], /ᶞ/, [l], [r], [w], [m], [n], [v], [h], [y] /b/ b Ex. webs /d/ d Ex. beds /g/ g Ex. bags /v/ v Ex. doves /ᶞ/ Th Ex. clothes

5 /s/ s / ce Ex. slices /z/ z Ex. blazes /ʃ/ sh Ex. pushes
We pronounce S as /iz / sound when the word ends in .. [s] [z] [ʃ] [tʃ] [dʒ] /s/ s / ce Ex. slices /z/ z Ex. blazes /ʃ/ sh Ex. pushes /tʃ/ ch Ex. watches / dʒ / j / ge Ex. bridges


7 Abo Eyad

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