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Spring 2013 Advising Starts this week.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2013 Advising Starts this week."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2013 Advising Starts this week

2 Sprint Review & Retrospective
Two “end of sprint” activities Sprint review Sprint retrospective How do they differ?

3 Review Participants Scrum team
Who Role Scrum team Hear product feedback, answer questions regarding the sprint and product increment Internal stakeholders Provide feedback, suggest changes (from what perspective?) Other internal teams Provide area-specific feedback (e.g., sales, legal, other development) and sync work External stakeholders Provide feedback, suggest changes (who exactly? why?)

4 Review Preparation Sprint review prework
Identify participants (specific people) Set the schedule (when, duration) Confirm sprint work is done (DONE)

5 Review Preparation Sprint review prework
Identify participants (specific people) Set the schedule (when, duration) Confirm sprint work is done (DONE) What is the definition of DONE? Who decides? When is the decision made? (at end? JITduring sprint?) Granularity of the decision? (per PBI?)

6 Review Preparation Sprint review prework
Identify participants (specific people) Set the schedule (when, duration) Confirm sprint work is done (DONE) Prepare for demonstration (ceremony?) Decide who does what (facilitator? demo?)

7 Review Overview Review Sprint backlog items (or sprint goal)
Potentially shippable product Groomed product backlog Updated release plan Present sprint goal, PBIs, actual achievements Explain any discrepancies Demonstrate what actually got built What if it cannot be demonstrated? (Really??) Discuss state of the product, future direction of the project Implicit/explicit backlog grooming

8 Retrospective Participants
Who Role Scrum team Reflect on the sprint experience from a process point of view ScrumMaster Lead process discussion, help team focus on fidelity to its own chosen process Product owner Help address issues with requirements, PBI grooming issues, interaction with team Other stakeholders Only if invited by the team; not invited if negative effect on team safety/openness

9 Retrospective Structure
How much time? Location? Facilitator? ScrumMaster Other team member Outsider (other ScrumMaster?) About 1.5 hours for a 2-week sprint, more for longer ones. Meet in team area or elsewhere? Access to data vs environment more conducive to open discussion.

10 Overview Set atmosphere
Focus Exercises (or prep) Objective data Subjective data Insight backlog Retrospective Improvement actions Insight backlog Improved team spirit Focus: general improvement, or is there something specific we need to work on? Exercises: create/mine sprint timeline, brainstorm/group insights (determine ahead or select dynamically) Atmosphere: ground rules for safe/open discussion, active participation Context: Share perspectives to seek common team understanding of what happened, from objective data; agree on event timeline, emotions seismograph [more on following slides] Set atmosphere Share context (common perspective from individual ones) Identify insights Determine actions Close the activity

11 Insights What worked well, or not? Improvement ideas?
Organize insight backlog Cards on wall A B C D E F

12 Insights What worked well, or not? Improvement ideas?
Organize insight backlog Cards on wall B D E F Silent grouping Pre-existing categories? A C

13 Actions Select insights from new backlog “Dot voting”
Consider timeframe for changes Decide on actions Specific task items General changes B D E F Specific: improve infrastructure software, tools General: behavioral, attitudinal A C

14 Follow Through Sprint tasks Include tasks to implement chosen actions
Not a separate “improvement” effort! Integrate into the next sprint’s work Specific: improve infrastructure software, tools General: behavioral, attitudinal

15 Retrospective Issues Not doing one (or not well)
Superficial, not addressing real issues Watch out for the elephant! (safety?) Poor execution: facilitation, blame/complain Too ambitious (or miss ongoing improvements) Lack of follow-through Retrospective should not replace ongoing improvement activity during the sprints.

16 What Else? What else did you learn about sprint reviews and retrospectives? What questions do you have?

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