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Biophysics ISP Bioluminescence

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1 Biophysics ISP Bioluminescence
Regan, Raile and Robel

2 What is Bioluminescence?
Bioluminescence - the ability of organisms to generate light Produces cold light which is light that produces hardly any heat

3 How does it work? The majority of the time, the reaction occurs within the organism, but not necessarily always They can control the reaction by regulating both their chemistry and their brain processes, based off their immediate needs (ex: mating or defense) Due to the fact that different animals use different substances to produce their light, scientists still cannot say exactly how every bioluminescent animal makes light, but they know the basics

4 How it works The animal must firstly contain the compound luciferin: a molecule that produces light when it reacts with oxygen Other compound the animal must contain is luciferase: a catalyst which allows the oxygen to combine with the luciferin Reaction also results in oxyluciferin, but it is inactive, and other byproducts, such as water, depending on the animal For the animal to continue this reaction, or to produce more light, a fresh/new luciferin must enter the animal's system From there the reaction occurs all over again Luciferin comes in a variety of types so it can vary on the animal which type of luciferin they have ; it allows for the reaction to occur During this process, light is not the only thing that is produced

5 Purpose of Bioluminescence
The purpose of bioluminescence is not known for all animals, and is a conclusion yet to be found by scientists Typically used to warn, evade predators, lure and detect prey, and for communication between members of the same species

6 Purpose of Bioluminescence
Communication: fireflies flash specific patterns at each other to find mates Locating food: Deep in the ocean, fish use their lights to find their prey like a spotlight Attracting Prey: An anglerfish uses its luminescent lure to attract other fish Camouflage: Some fish who have luminescent patterns on their bellies can use it to blur their outlines so they can blend in with light from the surface Defense: Some animals release a bioluminescent cloud when threatened, like the way a squid/octopus releases ink. It can also be used as a flash to blind predators.

7 Diagrams This diagram displays the chemical reaction of bioluminescence that we explained before, with luciferin, luciferase, etc.

8 Diagrams These are diagrams and a chart of the various purposes bioluminescence can have in different sea animals.

9 This is a graph of the wavelengths that the bioluminescence of bacteria and wild and mutated fireflies can produce.

10 Ethical issues with Bioluminescence
Companies use bioluminescent creatures to make product made for entertainment. Ex. The Dino Pet Dino Pet has bioluminescent phytoplankton and dinoflagellates Water organisms that produce light when in danger People shake the “Dino Pet” to cause the organisms to light up for entertainment

11 Ethical issues with Bioluminescence
Another company called Prolume makes products using bioluminescence as toys for kids Unethical because the bacteria and little organisms are used for their production of light for small entertainment. The organisms should be left in their habitat (IMO)

12 The End Questions?

13 References Wilson, T. V. How Bioluminescence Works. Retrieved from: facts/bioluminescence.htm. Accessed on May 22, 2016 This article was written by Tracy V. Wilson, who is a member of the How Stuff Works staff team. This online article explains how bioluminescence works. The Ocean Portal Team. Bioluminescence. Retrieved from: Accessed on May 22, 2016 This online article was written by the team at Ocean Portal. This article explains how bioluminescence is made, and why organisms use bioluminescence. Bedolfe, S. Ocean Stemulation: How Does Bioluminescence Work? Retrieved from: Accessed on May 22, 2016 This article is written by Sarah Bedolfe. This online article goes through, in depth, the process of the chemical reaction that occurs in bioluminescence. N/A. How bioluminescence works. Retrieved from How Stuff Works- Animals site: Accessed on May 15th, 2016. This article explains how bioluminescence works, including facts and explanations of various animals who have it, how it works, its purposes, the environment of bioluminescent animals, etc. Very useful for general knowledge of bioluminescence. N/A. What is bioluminescence? Retrieved from National Ocean Service site: Accessed on May 15th, 2016. An article by the National Ocean Service explaining what bioluminesce is in short terms. Very useful for people who were previously ignorant of the topic, and a concise explanation of bioluminescence. Lafrance, A. (2015, September 24). Bioluminescence in a Bottle. Retrieved May 26, 2016, from

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