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The Poles.

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Presentation on theme: "The Poles."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Poles

2 Overarching Question Who is responsible protecting our poles and why should they protect it?

3 Make Observations Polar Seas Video

4 What are key characteristics of the poles?

5 What are key characteristics of the poles?
Cold Covered in Ice White Fairly Barren What do you think would be beneficial adaptations of organisms for these environments?

6 What are the differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic?

7 The Arctic

8 The Arctic (0° C  −40° C) The Geography Surrounded by continents
Consists of mainly sea ice Icebergs are seasonal  Sea Ice takes several years to accumulate Home to native people Exploitation of Natural Resources

9 Mammals Endothermic, covered in full, have live birth, have mammary glands, breath with lungs How can the mammals of the Arctic survive freezing temperatures?

10 Mammals What are three possible effects on Polar Bears if the Arctic continues to warm?

11 Arctic Fox

12 Harp Seal

13 Beluga

14 Walrus

15 Narwhals

16 Polar Bears Polar Bears have translucent fur and black skin. Why?

17 The Antarctic

18 The Antarctic (−28.2° C  −60° C)
Geography Mainly Land Ice Icebergs are year round  Sea Ice accumulates annually Surrounded by ocean No natural human population One of the driest places on Earth, how?

19 Krill is King Krill are planktonic crustaceans (phylum arthropods)
Basis of the food web

20 Birds Endothermic, shelled eggs, water repellent feathers, breath with lungs Most have hollow bones but Penguins have solid bones. Why? Why can Penguins thrive in Antarctica while other organisms cannot?

21 Petrels

22 Emperor Penguin

23 Gentoo Penguin

24 Adelie Penguin

25 Chinstrap Penguin

26 Rock Hopper Penguin

27 What are the differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic?
Native peoples Icebergs are seasonal Surrounded by continents Mainly sea ice Sea ice accumulates over years Polar Bears Sparsely populated Icebergs year round Surrounded by ocean Sea ice accumulates annually Landmass covered by ice Penguins

28 Environmental Issues

29 Effects of Climate Change

30 What is Climate Change? “Climate is the long-term, prevailing pattern of temperature, precipitation, and other weather variables at a given location.”- NOAA “Climate change can result in extended periods of heat and drought at one extreme and extensive glaciation at the other.” –NOAA Current Climate Change is linked to the increase in Greenhouse Gases

31 Greenhouse Gases Gases Include: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Water
ARE gases THAT trap heat in our atmosphere, that keep our Earth from completely freezing (they are necessary) ^ in green house gases leads to an unusual warming of our atmosphere Not to be mistaken with Clorofluorocarbons

32 What do you observe?

33 Decreased Albedo  Increased Heating
Albedo is the proportion of light or radiation that is reflected by a surface (Latin: whiteness) Would a black shirt or a white shirt have a higher albedo? Would the blue water or the ice have a higher albedo? How does albedo help to counteract the Greenhouse effect?

34 Case Study Why Climate Change Affects the Poles Differently

35 Climate Change on the Arctic
Decrease in sea ice  Increase in permafrost melt  Increase in Methane 

36 Climate Change on the Arctic
Decrease in sea ice  Decrease in Arctic Habitat  Decrease in Organism Population Increase in permafrost melt  Increase in Methane  Increase in Greenhouse Gases

37 Climate Change on the Antarctic
??? Sea Ice growing and stronger winds

38 Climate Change Discussion
What drives the deep water circulation? Organisms are fit a certain niche, what happens when the environment changes?

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