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Introduction to the GEOSS Component and Services Registry

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1 Introduction to the GEOSS Component and Services Registry
Doug Nebert U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee May 2007

2 Approach GEO Process and GEOSS architecture required registration of contributed components from Members and Participating Organizations To facilitate access to GEOSS resources, the automation of the Component registration process and service information was recommended This supports GEOSS Clearinghouse and Web Portal discovery and usage of online services

3 Registry credits George Mason University contributed this implementation based on open source registry implementations (Sun Service Registry, GMU CSW service) FGDC staff and AR participants have provided design guidance, testing, and comments

4 Managed information resources
GEOSS Components Registry GEOSS Services Registry Links to GEOSS recognized Standards from IEEE-operated external registry for not just services but data formats, schemas, and other standards Identification of “special arrangements” (non-standard practice)

5 Notional design GEOSS Member Component or Participating (System)
ObservingSystem, dataExchangeAndDisseminationSystem, or modelingAndDataProcessingCenter GEOSS Member or Participating Organisation Component (System) 1:n ContinuousOperation, intermittentOperation, or notOperational 1:n 1:n 1:n From IEEE Contact (individuals) 1:n 1:n Implementation Classification Service (Interface) 1:n GEOSS endorsed standards 1:n Special Arrangements



















24 Capabilities now online
System sign-up for individuals Entry of individual contact information Registration of GEOSS Component with affiliation to SBAs Registration of multiple services per Component linked to a list of over 40 identified standards Ability to edit components Ability to delete services and associated components Ability to search/browse components and services through a web form interface Ability for testers to provide page-specific feedback

25 Capabilities coming online
Ability to update/edit service entries Tested query via UDDI, CSW, and ebRS interfaces Ability for GeoSec user to select check-box to mark components contributed by GEO members and participating organizations (Role-based access control) Daily synchronization with GEOSS Standards Register hosted by IEEE Daily backup of registry database Investigation of redundant fail-over hosting Documentation of user and publisher interactions

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