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Travaille d’hier Finish up “Les Prepositions” worksheet Name on it

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Presentation on theme: "Travaille d’hier Finish up “Les Prepositions” worksheet Name on it"— Presentation transcript:

1 Travaille d’hier Finish up “Les Prepositions” worksheet Name on it
Pass in bin please (15 mins only*- then it becomes HOMEWORK) If completed, you may finish up any missing assignments from science or French (Reports handed out yesterday)


3 Asking for directions Ou est la/le/…..? Where is the…?
Ou sont les…? Where are the…? Pour aller au/a la/ aux…? How do I get to the…?

4 Directions- des commandes
Allez! Go! Traversez! Cross! Continuez! Carry on! Passez! Go over/past! Tournez! Turn! Prenez! Take! Suivez! Follow! Descendez! Go down! Montez! Go up! Passez par! Go through!

5 ?????????????????


7 ??????????????????????????


9 ?????????????????????????

10 TOURNEZ A DROITE! (Turn Right)

11 Activite I will give you a card with a name of a classmate on it
You will have to give me directions around the class to get to that classmate

12 ?????????????

13 TOURNEZ À DROITE AU CARREFOUR! (Turn right at the cross-road)


15 PASSEZ LE PONT! (go over the bridge)


17 ALLEZ JUSQU’AUX FEUX! (go to the lights)


19 PRENEZ LA PREMIÈRE RUE À GAUCHE! (Take the first street on the left)


21 PRENEZ LA TROISIÈME RUE À DROITE! (take the 3rd road on the right)


23 TRAVERSEZ LA PLACE! (Go through)

24 Practice On a sheet of looseleaf, give directions (IN FRENCH) on how to get to the following locations based on the map on the back of your sheet: Starting at fire station going to Oak High School From Oak High School to the Campus Coffee Shop From the Campus Coffee Shop to CBIC Bank From CBIC Bank to the Fox Movie Theatre From The Fox Movie Theatre to Gray Horse Bus Terminal 2. Give directions (IN FRENCH) on how to get to the following locations in the school from this classroom to: The Boys Washroom The Girls Washroom The Library The Gym The Office

25 FIN

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