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NASA eClips™ Educators Support VALHEN Hispanic College Institute

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1 NASA eClips™ Educators Support VALHEN Hispanic College Institute
On August 2, 2017, STEM Education Specialists for NASA eClips™ presented nine workshop sessions to 150 high school students attending the Hispanic College Institute sponsored by the Virginia Latino Higher Education Network (VALHEN). The HCI, held at Virginia Tech, helps prepare underrepresented students for a college experience and exposes them to possible STEM careers. The STEM focused workshops featured NASA eClips™ resources, including the recently approved solar eclipse lesson, Solar Images, and existing NASA eClips™ resources about health and nutrition. The students also served as a focus group for new Spotlite video production to identify the needs of Spanish-speaking student audiences. VALHEN is one of the proposal partners for the NASA eClips™ 4D project. PI: Shelley Spears; POC: Shannon Verstynen;

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