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Incorporating Reliability into Modeling Tools

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1 Incorporating Reliability into Modeling Tools
February 12, 2015

2 Project Team KAI Metro Metropia MAG Xuesong Zhou Kiel Ova
Wayne Kittelson Shaun Quayle Anxi Jia Andy Butsick Metro Peter Bosa Dick Walker Metropia Yi-Chang Chiu Robert Tung MAG Sarath Joshua Eric Nava Xuesong Zhou Kiel Ova

3 FHWA Partners John Halkias (Systems Management Team Leader)
Doug Laird (Congestion Management and Pricing) James Sturrock (ITS Operations Engineer) Chung Tran (Transportation Operations Specialist) Tracy Scriba (SHRP2 Reliability Coordinator)

4 Southwest Corridor Pilot Test Stakeholders
Metro Matt Bihn (Principal Transportation Planner) Anthony Buczek (Transportation Engineer) ODOT Alan Snook (Region 1 Major Projects/Planning Manager) Chi Mai (Region 1 Transportation Analyst) Dennis Mitchell (Region 1 Traffic Engineer) City of Portland Grant Morehead (Planner) John Gillam (Transportation Manager) Washington County Chris Deffebach (Director and TPAC Member) Erin Wardell (Senior Analyst)

5 Project Overview Purpose
Demonstrate the usefulness of reliability metrics Build upon already-completed work Employ accessible models and methods

6 Project Overview The Role of SW Corridor Stakeholders
Provide input on appropriate test strategies and performance metrics Objectively assess the credibility and value of the tool output Become knowledgeable resources for other agencies and peers

7 Project Overview Southwest Corridor Pilot Test Site
Multimodal analysis opportunities Includes major arterial and parallel freeway DynusT and VISSIM already calibrated and operational Sources of unreliability are all in play Weather Crashes Special events Work zones

8 Project Overview MAG Regional Subarea Pilot Test Site
Leverages an existing robust crash database Regional impact assessments of enhanced TIM and ICM strategies Demonstrates tool applicability to a large subarea

9 Project Overview Analysis Tools DynusT: AMS Data Hub VISSIM
open-source DTA in use by many MPO’s Similar input schema AMS Data Hub open-source data integrator Connects to other analysis tools VISSIM Microscopic analysis tool Could extend tool usefulness

10 Test Plan Southwest Corridor Pilot Test Site
Calibrate/validate with days of historical data Test effectiveness of various TSM&O strategies Report findings/results to Stakeholder group Solicit feedback on usefulness, credibility, SWOT analysis, et.c

11 Schedule Project work is on schedule
Tool testing and applications work will begin soon The next Stakeholder meeting is expected to be in late summer

12 Discussion – Test Plan Components
Data Collection Calibration and Validation TSM&O Strategies Reliability Metrics

13 Discussion – Test Plan Components
Data Collection Are we missing a useful data source? What is your assessment of the accuracy and reliability of these data sources? Are these data available and accessible to your agency? Other data-related issues?

14 Discussion – Test Plan Components
Calibration and Validation Has the right time window been selected? What are reasonable calibration targets? What would you consider to be maximum tolerable analysis time limits? Other calibration/validation issues?

15 Discussion – Test Plan Components
TSM&O Strategies Any proposed strategies that should NOT be tested? Other test strategies that might offer greater insights? Other issues related to TSM&O strategies?

16 Discussion – Test Plan Components
Reliability Metrics What metric(s) are most helpful in your technical assessments? What metric(s) will best inform decision makers? What metrics would define an acceptable analysis process? Other issues related to performance metrics?

17 Discussion – Test Plan Components
Data Collection Are we missing a useful data source? Calibration and Validation Has the right time window been selected? What are reasonable calibrateion targets? TSM&O Strategies Any proposed strategies that should NOT be tested? Other test strategies that might offer greater insights? Reliability Metrics What metric(s) are most helpful in your technical assessments? What metric(s) will best inform decision makers?

18 Discussion – Feedback Expectations
Credibility Analysis process Analysis results Value Sensitivity to improvement strategy alternatives Decision-making process SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Other

19 Next Steps Develop Analysis Framework FEB-MAR
Prepare and Calibrate Analysis Tools MAR-APR Pilot Test the Analysis Tools on SW Corridor Network APR-JUN Summarize and Present Results JUN-JUL Solicit Stakeholder Feedback (2-Hr Meeting) JUL-AUG

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