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How Do Trees and Stands Grow?

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Presentation on theme: "How Do Trees and Stands Grow?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do Trees and Stands Grow?
Lecture 9 How Do Trees and Stands Grow?

2 Blog Question for the Week of September 25:
“Labels on UBC waste management trucks read ‘powered by natural gas: a renewable resource’. Do you think natural gas is a renewable resource? Cite two references that you have read on the topic.”

3 Even-Aged vs. Uneven-Aged Stands
Even-aged stands are comprised of trees that are predominantly the same age Such stands generally originate following a stand-replacing disturbance Uneven-aged stands are comprised of trees of several (or multiple) ages Such stands generally originate following small-stage disturbances that kill some, but not all, of the trees

4 Even-Aged Stand Dynamics
Yield Volume (m3/ha) Inflection Point Culmination Age Age Growth Current Annual Increment (CAI) Volume Growth (m3/ha/yr) Mean Annual Increment (MAI) Age

5 Current Annual Increment (CAI) = yearly growth at some point in time
E.g., if a stand has a volume of 170 m3/ha at age 33 and 177 m3/ha at age 34, then its CAI at that point in time is 7 m3/ha/year Mean Annual Increment (MAI) = average growth up to some point in time Volume at some point in time divided by age E.g., If a stand has a volume of 200 m3/ha at age 40, its MAI would be 200m3/ha /40 years = 5 m3/ha/year

6 Dynamics of a Balanced Uneven-Aged Stand
Yield Cutting Cycle DBH Growth Volume (m3/ha)) Current Distribution (Inverse-J Shaped) Future Distribution Stems per Ha Time Growth Volume Growth (m3/ha/yr) DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) Time

7 Factors Affecting Stand Dynamics
Site Quality Species (species mixtures) and genetics Density Age (stand structure) Disturbance (e.g., diseases, insects, wind, fire, animals) Treatment

8 Growing Space The integration of all the factors that trees need to grow Sunlight, water, nutrients, physical space

9 What is the ‘food” for trees?
Water Nutrients Sunlight Insects

10 Photosynthesis How the ecosystem captures energy
Photosynthetic mechanism Foliage Chloroplasts (chlorophyll)

11 Photosynthesis 6 CO2 + 6 H2O C6H12O6 + 6 O2 SUNLIGHT

12 What happens if the CO2 levels go up?
Trees grow faster Trees grow slower Trees die

13 Photosynthate C6H12O6 “Stuff” Energy

14 Respiration C6H12O CO2 + H2O + O2 (Not balanced) ENERGY

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