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Evolution and Behavior

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution and Behavior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution and Behavior
Chapter 4

2 Gull Nesting Behavior Herring Gulls

3 Gull Nesting Behavior Kittiwakes

4 Natural Selection 3 requirements

5 1. Variation

6 2. Heritable

7 3. Differential Survival/Reproduction

8 Genetic Variation Common Mutation Recombination

9 Response to Selection Selection acts on populations
Different outcomes of selection

10 Other mechanisms Why hasn’t selection weeded out variation? Gene flow
funnel-web spiders insectivorous dry vs. riparian areas different behaviors grassland—more aggressive to prey and competitors, less worry about predators

11 Tested for genetic differences How?
lab and field experiments BUT, found a riparian population that didn’t behave as it should. Using a drift fence, researchers demonstrated gene flow; the isolated population they changed to “correct” behavior

12 Other Mechanisms Genetic Drift
populations in isolation

13 Other Mechanisms Genetic Drift
populations in isolation

14 Other Mechanisms Correlated Traits
Pleiotropy Linkage Beak size in Darwin’s Finches—food and song

15 Other Mechanisms Environmental Factors
Time lags Some due to humans Evolutionary Arms race (bats/moths)

16 Other Mechanisms Frequency-dependent Selection
Rare alleles have a selective advantage Predation – predators may select the most common morph

17 Other Mechanisms Frequency-dependent Selection
Reproduction – rare male effect Can change allele frequencies

18 Other Mechanisms Negative-Assortative Mating
Opposites attract—mates choose different phenotypes Tan—better dads, but white females outcompete for mating Reason?

19 Other Mechanisms Evolutionary Stable Strategies
Your strategy depends on others when adopted by all members of a population, unbeatable

20 Other Mechanisms Evolutionary Stable Strategies
Pure Mixed Digger Wasps

21 ESS Digger = 0.96 egg/100 hrs Enter = 0.84 egg/100 hrs
Digger wasps--when to dig, when to invade Has to have equal fitness Digger = 0.96 egg/100 hrs Enter = 0.84 egg/100 hrs

22 Testing hypotheses Adaptive storytelling Better experimental design
Reproductive success

23 Testing hypotheses Experimental Approach

24 Testing hypotheses Comparative Approach - evolutionary relationships
Test alternatives (correlation ≠ causation

25 Measuring selection Easy in the lab; field is a different story

26 Measuring selection Easy in the lab; field is a different story

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