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Egyptian Government The Pharaoh The Bureaucracy Laws And Justice

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Presentation on theme: "Egyptian Government The Pharaoh The Bureaucracy Laws And Justice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Egyptian Government The Pharaoh The Bureaucracy Laws And Justice
What does it mean? Who is he? What does he represent? How is he treated? The Bureaucracy Who was in charge of what? How did their government work? What did it look like? How are official given their positions? Laws And Justice Did they have laws? What were they? How did people know of them?

2 The Pharaoh: What does it mean. Who is he. What does he represent
The Pharaoh: What does it mean? Who is he? What does he represent? How is he treated? Pharaoh means “great house”. He’s the king. He’s the ruler. He is looked upon as a God. (p.89) He was treated with great respect.

3 The Bureaucracy Who was in charge of what
The Bureaucracy Who was in charge of what? How did their government work? What did it look like? How are official given their positions? Stewards: royal estates Chamberlains: Daily affairs in the palace First Herald: supervised the palace guard Vizier: Highest ranking official

4 Vizier Usually a prince of someone of royal blood Collected taxes
Oversaw judges, scribes and treasury officials Eventually the kingdom got so big they had to have 2 viziers (Upper and Lower Egypt)

5 Overseer of Treasury Taxes were collected by all but in different forms: Crops from farmers Goods from skilled workers Temples became warehouses of these goods

6 Divisions 42 provinces called Nomes
Governed by officials called Nomarchs (appointed by the pharaoh)

7 Laws And Justice Did they have laws. What were they
Laws And Justice Did they have laws? What were they? How did people know of them? They had laws but they were not well developed and differed from province to province. Courts were presided by priests, soldiers and government officials. Punishment varied but could include beatings or death.

8 Mesopotamia vs. Egypt Kings Pharaohs Upper house and Lower House
Elected Written Law Harsh punishments Pharaohs 42 provinces Appointed Understood Law Harsh Punishments

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