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English 9b, Day 33 * Wed/Thurs

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1 English 9b, Day 33 * Wed/Thurs
* A classes only * Format paper #77: Summarize Act 2:Comic (full page) Include labels for setting and then draw pics to explain Act 2 Scene 1: Near Capulet’s orchard Scene 2: Capulet’s Orchard (balcony scene) Scene 3: Friar Lawrence’s cell (small room) Scene 4: A street Scene 5: Capulet’s Orchard Scene 6: Friar Lawrence’s cell then Review for quiz!!!

2 Vocabulary 8 = quiz today!!!
Close all books, notebooks, etc. & tuck them away. Cover sheet / doodle sheet Remember you are a person of integrity & honor!!! When you are done * Turn in quiz to the “turn in” box * Place cover sheet on table in front of room * And . . . then open your self-selected book and read!!!! (please do not work on vocab at this time!!!!!)

3 English 9b, Day 33 * Thurs/Fri
# 78 Elizabethan England = The Plague Shakespeare lived in arguably the most wretched place and time in human history. His London was poverty-stricken, overcrowded, rat-infested, and – literally – plagued. OPEN YOUR LIT BOOKS Turn to p A very important note needs to get to Romeo, who is out of town. Why can’t the note be delivered? Include quotation, explanation, and line reference. 50 words

4 Upcoming Due Dates Book Talks = Due 5/17&5/18 B = 1 A Computer lab
typed current event exploration # 5 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 5 Vocab #9 due & quiz Ms. T. absent A = 8 typed current event exploration # 6 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 6 Vocab #10 due & quiz Research paper RD due = peer review B = 15 Turn in FD of Research any time this week: rubric, final (highlighted), peer review, RD typed current event exploration # 7 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 7 Book Talks Due Vocab #11 due & quiz FD of Research DUE A = 22 No school B = 30 05/30     3B/4B Finals – Full Day 05/31     3A/4A Finals – Full Day 06/01     1B/2B Finals – ½ Day 06/02     1A/2A Finals – ½ Day Book Talks = Due 5/17&5/18

5 Final Formal Writing Research paper about Elizabethan England.
Prove that Elizabethan England was a difficult, messed up society.  Conclude that these elements led to the popularity of Shakespearean theatre. Select three aspects of Elizabethan life to research and develop into paragraphs that will support your claim.  This essay will include quotations from texts, internal citations, and a formal Works Cited page with at least 5 entries, showing various text types (online, book, magazine, etc.) One of your supporting texts MUST be Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

6 Final Formal Writing Topic: Life in Elizabethan Times Was Miserable
Causes (pick three)  The Plague  Poor Living Conditions  Poor Health and Lack of Medicine (infant mortality, life expectancy)  Low Status of Women  Complicated Relationships between Husband and Wife, Parents and Children Effect: Popularity of theater and Shakespeare

7 Final Formal Writing Let’s look at intro Body 1 = topic 1
Intro/Concl Let’s look at intro

8 Final Formal Writing Intro Conclusion Let’s look at intro

9 Final Formal Writing 2 blank pieces of paper
Intro Bottom of box = thesis: Life in Elizabethan England was difficult, which led to ______________________________________________ _________________________________. Conclusion This *is* a thesis statement . . .but it is nonspecific

10 Final Formal Writing This is a 3-prong thesis statement . . .specific and gives a map of paragraph development Intro Bottom of box = thesis: Life in Elizabethan England was difficult because of _______(1)______________, ________(2)_________________, and ________________(3)______________________, which led to ______________________________________________ _________________________________. Conclusion

11 Final Formal Writing Ways to make YOUR thesis stand out:
Improve word choice You want it to sound intellectual, not awkward (don’t say “aboding in England was burdensome”) Final Formal Writing Intro Bottom of box = thesis: Life in Elizabethan England was difficult because of _______(1)______________, ________(2)_________________, and ________________(3)______________________, which led to ______________________________________________ _________________________________. Conclusion

12 Final Formal Writing Intro Bottom of box = thesis: Life in Elizabethan England was difficult because of babies died, there were bad relationships, and _modern medical care was absent, which led to ______________________________________________ _________________________________. Conclusion

13 Final Formal Writing Ways to make YOUR thesis stand out:
Improve word choice Make sure “prongs” are strong, parallel ideas Be precise & intellectual in developing prongs Final Formal Writing Intro Bottom of box = thesis: Life in Elizabethan England was difficult because of babies died, there were bad relationships, and _modern medical care was absent, which led to ______________________________________________ _________________________________. Conclusion

14 Final Formal Writing Intro Bottom of box = thesis: Life in Elizabethan England was difficult because of a high rate of infant mortality, complicated parent-child relationships, and the absence of modern medical care, which led to ______________________________________________ _________________________________. Conclusion

15 Final Formal Writing Write your thesis statement!!!
Improve word choice Make sure “prongs” are strong, parallel ideas Be precise & intellectual in developing prongs Final Formal Writing Intro Bottom of box = thesis: Life in Elizabethan England was difficult because of _________________________, _________________________, and ______________________________________, which led to ______________________________________________ _________________________________. Conclusion

16 Final Formal Writing 2 blank pieces of paper
Then go back and write the rest of your intro . . . Hook Transition – mention R&J by name, include author Thesis Intro Hook: Transition: Life in Elizabethan England was difficult because of _______(1)______________, ________(2)_________________, and ________________(3)______________________, which led to ______________________________________________ _________________________________. Conclusion

17 Final Formal Writing Concrete Details: Quotation Statistic Summary
Paraphrase Each body paragraph At least 2 CONCRETE DETAILS Lots of connection / discussion = tie all of your “concrete” thing together Could follow JS Chunk, but you might feel “stuck” with that by now????? Remember, must have 5 sources . . .

18 Black Plague Handout Classroom set only Please do not take from room

19 Our excerpt source is a book, not from an article
Citation for this source: Last name, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection, edited by Editor's Name(s), Publisher, Year, Page range of entry. Giblin, James Cross. “When Plague Strikes.” Glencoe literature: the reader's choice, Course 1, edited by Beverly Ann Chin. Glencoe McGraw-Hill, Print Citation for this source: Last name, First name. Title of Book. Title of Collection, edited by Editor's Name(s), Publisher, Year, Page range of entry. Giblin, James Cross. When Plague Strikes. Glencoe Literature: The Reader's Choice, Course 1, edited by Beverly Ann Chin. Glencoe McGraw-Hill, Print yes

20 Act 2: Last Time: Prologue – p. 698 Scene 1 p. 698 Scene 2 p. 699 Scene 3 p. 705 Today: Scene 4 p. 708 Scene 5 p. 714 Scene 6 p. 716

21 Finish this (read & answer #75) Finish chart #77
#75: Act 2, Scenes 4-6 Finish this (read & answer #75) Finish chart #77 Finish plague note (#78) Work on essay

22 Turn in notebooks for vocab & notebook grade!!!
You are working on . . . CECE #6 due next Wed! WS #4 Research Paper RD due next Fri Reading Self-Selected Book & Project Turn in notebooks for vocab & notebook grade!!!

23 7 min Summary 3:10 - 3:30 Watch scene 53:00 – 60:00


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