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Presentation on theme: "Movies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Movies


3 Strange Fads Mood Rings Pet Rock Sea-Monkeys

4 Hair

5 Sears Catalog Circa 1978


7 Afro

8 The Bob

9 Hippie Hair

10 “Dead Raccoon”

11 Punk Bright colored, extreme hairstyles
often dyed with jello and kool-aid. Elmer’s glue and starch were used as styling aids. Spikes could reach as high as eight or twelve inches.

12 ART

13 Environmental Art Ephemeral Uses nature as a canvas

14 Pop Art Andy Warhol Jasper Johns Roy Lichtenstein
Use of color and shape Popular and everyday subject matter Often abstract “Stepping Out”- Roy Lichtenstein

15 Photorealism Tries to reproduce a scene exactly, the
way a camera does. Artists include Chuck Close and Richard Estes

16 Built in 1978, Dallas City Hall was designed by internationally acclaimed architect I.M. Pei.



19 Maxi Skirt

20 Maxi Coat

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