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Learners Digital Footprints and Implications for Pedagogy

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1 Learners Digital Footprints and Implications for Pedagogy
Chiandra Jayasekera (Head of TEL) James Beardsmore (Learning Technologist) Samir Patel (Learning Technologist)

2 Digital Footprints Big Data
Information available from actions humans are taking. Generated through purposeful action or passive recording Offering deep and novel insights For individual experience and society as a whole Big Data A combination of…. High-volume (increasing amount of data) High-velocity (speed of data in and out) High-variety (range of data types and sources) Horvath, 2012, p.15 Thatcher, J., 2014, Data. International Journal of Communication, 8, p.19

3 Implications for Pedagogy
Learning analytics data needs to be: Measured Collated Analysed Reported So that learning trends can be understood and optimised through: Creating profiles of users Predicting students at risk of failing Opportunity for intervention and improvement Personalisation and adaptation Wolff, et al, 2013 Dyckhoof, et al, 2012 Bienkowski, Feng, and Means, 2012 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics, 2011

4 User Behaviour & Engagement
Steps Taken VLE Analytics Our Story: Implications for pedagogy Moodle (VLE) Google Analytics Data Reporting User Behaviour & Engagement

5 Engagement Buckets and Balls Throw your assumptions at us! 1 2 3 4 5

6 Current Affairs vs Facebook
Engagement Current Affairs vs Facebook Which category maps to higher use of the VLE? Social Media Football Movies Technology News 1 2 3 4 5

7 Current Affairs vs Facebook
Engagement Current Affairs vs Facebook Student interests mapped to VLE usage Social Media Football Movies Technology News Lowest Highest 1.74% 4.45%

8 Pathways, Routes and Avenues
Engagement Pathways, Routes and Avenues What method was most frequently used to access the VLE? Facebook Mahara Student Portal Google Directly 1 2 3 4 5

9 Pathways, Routes and Avenues
Engagement Pathways, Routes and Avenues What method was most frequently used to access the VLE? Facebook Mahara Student Portal Google Directly Lowest Highest 0.27% 87.5%

10 Beginning, Middle or End
Engagement Beginning, Middle or End The longest sessions are during… Sep-Oct Nov-Dec Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-Jun 1 2 3 4 5

11 Beginning, Middle or End
Engagement Beginning, Middle or End The longest sessions are during… Sep-Oct Nov-Dec Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-Jun Highest Lowest 6 min 54 secs 5 min 12 secs

12 Apple vs Android (and Windows too!)
Engagement Apple vs Android (and Windows too!) Most popular device… Samsung iPad Xbox iPhone Windows 1 2 3 4 5

13 Apple vs Android (and Windows too!)
Engagement Apple vs Android (and Windows too!) Most popular device… Samsung iPad Xbox iPhone Windows Lowest Highest 1% 65%

14 Apple Domination (with a potential future trend?)

15 Security Integrity What does it mean to you? Ethics Stakeholders
“Access to personal data is generating a new wave of opportunity for economic and societal value creation” World Economic Forum, 2011, p. 5 Privacy Students Staff Institution Integrity Security Stakeholders Data Protection

16 Contact Us Chiandra Jayasekera (Head of TEL)
James Beardsmore (Learning Technologist) Samir Patel (Learning Technologist)

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