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ECSE 700- Infant Externship

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1 ECSE 700- Infant Externship
June 5th, 2017

2 Overview Introductions- Meet your New University Supervisors!
Susan, Tiffany, and Yolanda: Betsy Sarah, Rachel, and Melissa: Heather Paige: Rachel Review Syllabi and Assignments Review RamPage Google-Drive Optional Activities NICU visits Richmond Autism Clinic Brief Meeting with your US Review RamPage

3 Assignments Blogs Time Sheets- due every Monday to document the prior week Clinical Evaluation Continuum Initial (extern only) Mid and Final (Extern, CP, and US) Observations 2 by CP 2 by US

4 Assignments [cont] Observation Paperwork
Three Days Prior Updated IPG Past Visit/Progress/Activity Notes (at least 2 for each child/family) Pre-Visit Discussion Note(s) (at least 1 for each child) Three Days After Post-Observation Meeting with CP/US Visit/Progress/Activity Note from formal observation Summary of Feedback Intervention Planning Guides (IPG)- complete 2; 1 for each family/child Initial, Mid, and Final Mid and Final due before observations CP review before you turn in- PLAN AHEAD CP and US will add comments- do NOT delete Rubric (with reflection: : ½ to 1 page): Self and US

5 Assignments [cont] IFSP Final Reflection
Use most recent version from: OR your agency’s form Rubric (with reflection: ½ to 1 page): Self, US, and CP CP review before you turn in- PLAN AHEAD Final Reflection 1 ½ to 2 page reflection on your externship experience See “Reflective Writing Guidelines” document on rampage Contribution to the Agency Project Mutually agreed upon project with CP/agency Final presentation during last F-2-F class

6 Confidentiality Families Agency With CP and US
In Written Work: e-portfolio Remove ALL identifiers- child/family names, info & CP and agency info

7 Commonwealth Autism Clinic
Who (child) qualifies for evaluation Children that have been identified by Early Intervention Services Gone through screening assessment with Early Intervention services Parents complete a developmental questionnaire and various sensory-motor, behavioral and adaptive behavior assessment measures (e.g., Child Behavior Checklist, Scale of Independent Behavior)

8 Commonwealth Autism Clinic
Who attends? Family, child, possible: EI professionals that work with child RPS team: School Psychologist, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist RBHA team: Clinical Psychologist, Service Coordinator and other essential staff/service providers

9 Commonwealth Autism Clinic
One Monday a month, 9am-12pm Complete Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (1hr), Parent interview using ADI Speech Therapy and Occupational therapy assessment in structured play setting. Wrap up meeting with the family.

10 Commonwealth Autism Clinic
Cost: There is no cost to the family Why it is beneficial for the families: Provides comprehensive evaluation for Autism and provides foundation for continued services to address area of compromise. Helps answer parents’ questions regarding observed developmental delays and overall social functioning of child. June 12th and July 24th Contact: Mitchell Reid ( ;

11 NICU Visit Observation: 2-4 hours Observing/shadow a PT
BEFORE your visit: complete HIPPA forms Contact: Shaaron Brown

12 Brief Meeting with US Susan, Tiffany, and Yolanda: Betsy
Sarah, Rachel, and Melissa: Heather Paige: Rachel

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