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2 Project No 561847-EPP-1-2015-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2015-3720) UES TEAM
School-to-Work Transition for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro” Project No EPP EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP ( ) UES TEAM

3 Short report about plan for the realization of WP5 activities
Realization of the activities within this WP5 should sustain all developed and realized activities within previous work packages during the project lifetime. Also, this WP5 should contribute to the development strategies and action plans for sustainability of the project activities after the project lifetime which represents the main aim. Activities and descriptions that should be developed within WP5 will ensure successful coordination of all activities without nonconformities. For each sector of four activities defined a special plan will be developed to ensure monitoring and piloting in certain aspects. So, special treatment will be assured for: Monitoring and piloting the strategy and plan of the companies Monitoring and piloting the transition services Piloting the training effects and impact Monitoring and piloting the effect and impact of data base and website

4 DEV5.1 Monitoring and piloting the strategy and plan of the companies Type: EVENT Duration: 15/10/ /10/2018 Description: A range of activities will be initiated by the consortium in cooperation with companies to create opportunities for the integration of graduate SwD in the labour market. Workshops will be organized in cooperation with NES, UNION Cacak 2000 and MEF with the support of HEIs in Serbia and Montenegro as well ASD and AYDM. The transition strategy and plan of the companies will aim to encourage enterprises on creating new jobs and assist SwD in identifying a suitable work-placement.

5 Reply for DEV5.1 Focus on the realization of this activity will be on organizations which can and want to include SwD into working processes in their organizations, also creating appropriate strategy and action plans. Each organization which has possibility to employ SwD and graduates need to develop transition strategy about this with description of SWOT analysis, mission, vision, values, strategic goals, operational goals, measures, targets, initiatives and budgets (or instead of strategy to develop action plan for supporting and employing SwD and graduates). Engagement of SwD and graduates can be oriented on volunteer work and internships. It is very popular that SwD during studies can have possibilities to work as volunteers in any organization (public or private) and in that way collect ECTS points. This means that teaching process should be connected with labour market in efficient way, and this process should be strengthened by industry organization and universities at the same time.

6 Reply for DEV5.1 Different organizations of interest should be invited to participate in different workshops on strengthening the engagement of SwD and educating them on how to write strategy and action plans for this purpose. Also, recruitment procedure should be developed as well as many other things in detail mentioned in the analysis of the needs of Employers. Realized activities of developed strategy or action plans by organizations of interest can be monitored internally and externally. For the project, external monitoring should have bigger significance. One of the best things is to establish measures and report measures at the end of certain period of time. E.g. measures can be: number of newly created jobs for SwD, number of offered internships for SwD, number of systematized work places for SwD, number of employees with disabilities etc.

7 Indicators of progress Description of tasks and progress
For the descriptive part, for example, for the action plan, monitoring should be done in accordance with the table bellow Activity Start – End date Indicators of progress Description of tasks and progress Outcomes

8 DEV5. 2 Monitoring and piloting the transition services Type: EVENT
DEV5.2 Monitoring and piloting the transition services Type: EVENT Duration: 15/10/ /10/2018 Description: The extensive number of new transition services are implemented and put into everyday use by SwD and teachers involved in internship of SwD. The Transition Support Services aim to improve effectiveness and competence of the existing university career centres for dealing with SwD in order to offer better transition to employment. Staff from Career centres and transition mentors will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the available transition services during piloting year and in the future.

9 Reply for DEV5.2 First, the placement and functioning of the University career centres, or any similar offices, should be monitored. (Piloting means checking functionality and usefulness of these centres in everyday cooperation with SwD). We should know whether such these centres exist at all partner universities, how many employees are there, and also we should evaluate, in this early phase, sustainability of these centres for the period “after the project lifetime”. One evaluation progress form for these centres for monitoring activities should be developed:

10 Indicators of progress Description of tasks and progress
Activity Start – Enddate Indicators of progress Description of tasks and progress Outcomes

11 Reply for DEV5.2 It is very important to have some rulebook or similar act about functioning of such centres. In this act, all activities and tasks of centre will be stated. Transition services will be offered by university centres and identified in the table above with needed descriptions and most important outcomes. The most important thing should be transition of SwD from HE to Labour market. For this part special attention should be paid to analysing employers’ needs and the questionnaire where different opinions of interest could be stated. All developed reports and conducted surveys, until this moment, should be used for developing strategic goals for employment of SwD, as well as for identification of transition services that should be performed by university’s centres. All additional developed aspects for both topics will be highly appreciated as added value.

12 DEV5. 3 Piloting the training effects and impact Type: REPORT
DEV5.3 Piloting the training effects and impact Type: REPORT Duration: 15/10/ /10/2018 Description: The effects of training academics and other trained staff at partner universities and employers will be carefully monitored during piloting phase (and in the future) by staff from Career Centers and university management with the support of transition mentors. The extensive evaluation on several levels (personal approach to SwD, service adopted and used, etc.) done by different instruments and surveys will be performed and its results used for the improvement of future trainings.

13 Reply for DEV5.3 Conclusion is that Career Centres staff and university management with the support of transition mentors should evaluate training effects and impact of trainings on involved persons and institutions. Special forms for evaluation could be done, just different levels should be defined. Basics from Kirkpatrick four levels of training evaluation should be used. In this way special emphasis on different impacts on people and institution could be treated.

14 evaluation type (what is measured)
level evaluation type  (what is measured) evaluation description and characteristics examples of evaluation tools and methods relevance and practicability 1 Reaction Reaction evaluation is how the delegatesfelt about the training or learning experience. 'Happy sheets', feedback forms. Verbal reaction, post-training surveys or questionnaires. Quick and very easy to obtain. Not expensive to gather or to analyze. 2 Learning Learning evaluationis the measurement of the increase in knowledge - before and after. Typically assessments or tests before and after the training. Interview or observation can also be used. Relatively simple to set up; clear-cut for quantifiable skills. Less easy for complex learning. 3 Behavior Behavior evaluation is the extent of applied learning back on the job - implementation. Observation and interview over time are required to assess change, relevance of change, and sustainability of change. Measurement of behavior change typically requires cooperation and skill of line-managers. 4 Results  Results evaluation is the effect on the business or environment by the trainee. Measures are already in place via normal management systems and reporting - the challenge is to relate to the trainee. Individually not difficult; unlike whole organization. Process must attribute clear accountabilities.

15 DEV5.4 Monitoring and piloting the effect and impact of data base and website Type: REPORT Duration: 15/10/ /10/2018   Description: Taking into consideration that the data base will reflect the efficiency of the successful transition from HEI to Work its effect will be carefully monitored during piloting phase (and in the future) by University Management with the support of NGOs and National Employment Agencies. The monitoring and evaluation will focus on (a) available workplaces for SwD, (b) required skills and qualifications and (c) as well as the training programs that will identify positions in each workplace.

16 Reply for DEV5.4 We should see functionality of this data base and to evaluate its efficiency after some period of using this data base in practice. More about this topic later on

17 Thank you for your attention.

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