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The environment should reflect the interests of the children.

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Presentation on theme: "The environment should reflect the interests of the children."— Presentation transcript:

1 The environment should reflect the interests of the children.
Children’s Interests The environment should reflect the interests of the children.

2 Notice the combination of photos of the children and pictures of vehicles in which the children have shown an interest.

3 Authentic materials provide valuable learning experiences.

4 Let the interests of the children guide your decisions about the type of materials that you provide for them to interact with.

5 Careful observation of the children may lead to a learning opportunity such as this.

6 Natural Lighting Windows provide lighting as well as an opportunity for children to observe.

7 Relationships develop when there is time and space to interact as well as a shared interest.

8 Personal Care Spaces This is an important opportunity for children to develop independence and a positive self image.

9 Having bathrooms adjacent to the play space is beneficial
Having bathrooms adjacent to the play space is beneficial. Toddlers who are beginning to toilet train often give little notice of their need to go.

10 Sinks that are low enough for children to reach and stairs for children to climb to the diapering area allow for independence.

11 Multiple sinks allow more than one child to wash at a time
Multiple sinks allow more than one child to wash at a time. Stools may be required make sinks accessible.

12 Steps for children to climb to the change table provide an opportunity for physical development as well as protecting staff from injury.

13 Change areas in the play space avoid disrupting the children’s activities as staff do not need to leave the room.

14 Consider adding art in the washroom
Consider adding art in the washroom Every space should be welcoming and beautiful.

15 Children have designated spaces to store their personal belongings.

16 Sleep Areas

17 Children have their own personal sleeping spaces for familiarity and predictability.

18 Sleep areas are easily supervised visually.

19 Lighting can be controlled through dimmer switches, blinds or curtains.

20 Fabric Using fabric softens the environment
For safety reasons, only use this with children who are not able to pull themselves up

21 Rope lights as a lighting option

22 Sleep rooms are beautiful relaxing places for babies to nap.
Consider adding lullaby CD’s or natural soundtracks to assist children in relaxing.

23 Lamps may be an appropriate lighting source.

24 “Environments have the power to shape the learning that takes place
“Environments have the power to shape the learning that takes place.” Play and Exploration p44

25 References Fraser, S. (2006). Authentic childhood Experiencing Reggio Emilia in the classroom. Toronto: Nelson. Saskatchewan Ministry of Education.(2008). Play and exploration: Early learning program guide. Regina: Author.

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