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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Targets R.I.P. Addiction Not Again! $100 $100

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Targets R.I.P. Addiction Not Again! $100 $100
E-Cigarettes R.I.P. Addiction Not Again! $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 Targets - $100 The tobacco industry makes $1.2 billion each year selling cigarettes to this age group. What is youth?

3 Targets - $200 Illegal for cigarettes, this can still be added to other tobacco products and may appeal to young people. What is flavoring?

4 Targets - $300 Given that young people may have less money, tobacco companies use these sales tactics for products. (Name one) What are discounts, coupons, free gifts, etc.?

5 Targets - $400 Big Tobacco places tobacco products and ads where kids can see them because they know about this marketing technique. What is “Eye Level is Buy Level?”

6 Targets - $500 The tobacco industry spends this much money in at the Point-of-Sale each hour. What is $1 million?

7 E-Cigarettes - $100 True or false? E-Cigarettes are a safe tobacco product. What is false?

8 E-Cigarettes - $200 Fires and explosions can be caused by this piece of an e-cigarette. What are defective batteries?

9 E-Cigarettes - $300 Often confused as “harmless water vapor,” this contains ultrafine particles and cancer-causing toxins. What is e-cigarette aerosol?

10 E-Cigarettes - $400 During this year, e-cigarettes hit the U.S. market
What is 2007?

11 E-Cigarettes - $500 E-cigarettes and other tobacco products are displayed all together in a store so you cannot miss them. Name this location. What is a Power Wall?

12 R.I.P. - $100 The tobacco product that is safe to use. What is none?

13 R.I.P. - $200 The number one preventable cause of death in the United States. What is tobacco use?

14 R.I.P. - $300 In the US, the tobacco industry must recruit new smokers each day – these are known as. What are Replacement Smokers?

15 R.I.P. - $400 The number of kids alive today in Montana who will die prematurely from smoking related causes. What is 19,000?

16 R.I.P. - $500 The number of Montana children who become smokers each year. What is 500?

17 Addiction - $100 This substance is found in tobacco and changes the way your brain works, often leading to addiction. What is Nicotine?

18 Addiction - $200 Holding an average-sized dip in your mouth for 30 minutes can give you as much nicotine as smoking this many cigarettes. What is 3?

19 Addiction - $300 90% of smokers start smoking before this age.
What is 18?

20 Addiction - $400 Montana’s teen-led movement against Big Tobacco.
What is react?

21 Addiction - $500 The percent of e-juice on the market that contains nicotine. What is 99%?

22 Not Again! - $100 In 1930, this group vouched for cigarettes and many ads showed them using cigarettes Who are doctors, physicians, dentists?

23 Not Again! - $200 The first year the Surgeon General’s report stated that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, and probably heart disease. What is 1964?

24 Not Again! - $300 Since Big Tobacco cannot legally advertise on TV or billboards, they spend 95% of their marketing budget here. What is Point of Sale?

25 Not Again! - $400 Name one poisonous product found in e-cigarettes.
What is Formaldehyde, Nicotine, Propylene Gycol, Lead, Nickel, Cadmium, etc.?

26 Not Again! - $500 Big Tobacco targets new users by making their products this (HINT: Three A’s) What is attractive, accessible, and affordable?

27 Final Jeopardy The amount of money Big Tobacco spends on advertising each year in Montana. What is $30.5 million?

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