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Mining Engineering Education In India - Past, Present & Future

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1 Mining Engineering Education In India - Past, Present & Future
Dr. K. Srinivas Professor & Head Dept. of Mining Engg. College of Engg. Guindy Anna University Chennai –

2 Mining Engineering Education in India – Past, Present and Future
Education in mining industry started with training on the job when formal education in Mining Engineering was not available at any level. Therefore, DGMS started conducting various examinations for people having experience prescribed for each of the examination, though this type of certification is not being practiced in other major disciplines (except Marine Engineering). They are relying only on the formal education at various levels followed by training and experience acquired in the relevant industry, though safety requirements in these industries is in no way less than the requirements of Mining Engineering. Example Aviation industry

3 This certification by DGMS also has undergone sea change from 5 papers for Degree Holders in Mining Engineering to the present day One Paper for First Class Managers certificate, that too in an objective type online examination system. Con this be replaced by training and experience people acquire in relevant industry like other industries. This relieves DGMS from the cumbersome job of conducting various examinations and concentrating on more inspections in mines and improving safety in mines. Identification of talent should become the responsibility of the industry. As it is not possible for small mines to give proper training (due to lack of qualified trainers & facilities like training centres), big mining companies should be given the responsibility of training people continuously in batches in various levels. To meet the expenditure related to this training may be reimbursed by the respective central or state governments. This is possible by collecting a separate fund from each of the mine producing minerals.

4 The responsibility of training at various levels can also be supplemented (particularly the class room part of the training) by Professional bodies like Institution of Engineers, Mining Engineering Association of India, MMGI, etc. I believe that any training free of cost will not be effective and will not be taken seriously by the candidates and hence a nominal amount is to be charged from the candidates also. As the services of the people undergoing training is utilised by the mining companies, they have to pay nominal stipend and get the same reimbursed from the respective government.  The courses and syllabus is being updated frequently, to keep pace with the technological developments taking place world-over and requirement of the employers who would recruit the students.

B.E. MINING ENGINEERING REGULATIONS – 2015  PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Bachelor of Mining Engineering curriculum is designed to prepare the graduates having attitude and knowledge to function ethically in a variety of professional roles such as mine planner, designer, production manager, consultant, technical support representative, regulatory specialist academicians and research with emphasis on the mineral industries  advance in their careers in the mineral industry, adapting to new situations and emerging problems.  demonstrate an understanding of the importance of mining to the society and for working in a contemporary society in which safety and health, responsibility to the environment, and ethical behavior are required without exception  possess professional skills such as effective communication, teamwork, and leadership.  pursue advanced degrees in mineral-related fields and also those fields that support the mineral industries.

to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs function on multi-disciplinary teams identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems understand ethical and professional responsibilities control and communicate effectively review, understand and analyze the technological development








14 Present & Future Requirements
Mining is becoming complex because of increased depth, adverse geological conditions, legal and social implications, etc. Therefore, the industry is looking for people who can shoulder the responsibilities as quickly as possible i.e. with least training.

15 As the requirements of the industry vary very widely, the institutions generally try to strike a balance between the requirements of different types of the mining industry, concentrating more on the fundamentals.

16 Keeping the above in view, the following initiatives are recommended:
Start formal education at ITI level also at many institutions to meet the ever increasing demand of front line supervisors like Shotrfirers / Blasters, Mining Sirdars/Mate, etc. The present day Industry, keeping in view the complexities, needs specialists to meet the requirements like planning, design, rock mechanics, round control, environment/ventilation, Research & Development, Computer applications, Modelling techniques, etc. to address complex issues and hence recruit people with higher qualifications, like M.E, Ph.D., etc. with proper promotional avenues. Similarly specialists are to be appointed in Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulics, Instrumentation, Computer applications Engg., etc.

17 Industry may identify students at different levels from various institutions while the students are in first and second year, such that they can select the electives relevant to that particular industry and hence ready to shoulder the responsibility immediately after completing the course. Educational institutions should concentrate on making the foundation of the candidates strong by teaching fundamentals. The candidates should be able to develop on the foundation they have in the institutions. Peripheral subjects like Mineral Processing, Geology, etc. may be dispensed with by increasing the dosage on subjects like mining machinery viz. hydraulics, instrumentation, rock mechanics, ground control, numerical modelling, etc. The present statutory certification system requires revamp to meet the present day requirements of the entire spectrum of the industry like organised big mining companies, small scale mining sector, etc.

18 Education can be effective at all levels only when teaching community is competent and qualified with passion for teaching & research. Therefore, the governments should concentrate on developing quality teachers by attracting talent.

19 Thank You

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