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Interdisciplinary Activity ANTARES

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1 Interdisciplinary Activity ANTARES
Privileged site for the observation of Mediterranean deep sea C. Curtil – 16 / 09 / 2008

2 Antares detector One floor 14.5 m 40 km deep sea cable to shore
12 lines 25 floors / line 3 PMs / floor 900 PMs Antares detector One floor 25 14.5 m 350 m 40 km deep sea cable to shore 100 m Junction Box ~70 m Interlink cables depth : 2500m © F. Montanet

3 Neutrino telescope: Detection principle
3D PMT array m Cherenkov light from m nm 43° Sea floor Simulation de l’interaction nNmX Section efficace vs énergie Absorption dans la Terre Simulation des bruits de fond muons atmosphériques muons induits par n atmosphériques m interaction n

4 ANTARES Collaboration
ANTARES shore station 40 km submarine cable -2475m depth 25 Institutes from 7 European countries

5 Line connection by ROV ROV « VICTOR » from IFREMER
ODI link equipped with wet mateable connector (4 optical, 2 electrical contacts) Line connection Junction box connection

6 2 years operation from 05 to 07
Interdisciplinary Instrumentation line Lines Std MILOM IL 07 Ligne 12 6 storeys with new devices: Cameras O2 Hydrophones for acoustic detection Deployed in July 07 hydrophones CT IODA (F25) Seismometer (BSS) Line with 3 storeys: ADCP SV CT C-Star Seismometer OMs LOB 2 years operation from 05 to 07 14.5m Camera ADCP Ligne 5 OM 80m C-Star Courantometer AquaDopp (F23) SV CT 14.5m hydrophones Ligne 4 O2 14.5m SV–CTD (F24) hydrophones C-Star 80m Camera Extension OM ADCP hydrophone 98m Secondary JB Pr Sismomètre

7 Oceanographical probes
Various probes measure the characteristics of deep water Temperature CT(D) : Conductivity – Temperature (– Depth)  Salinity Preliminary MILOM F1 IL07 F4 & F6 2005 2006 2007 2008 ADCP AquaDopp OM off Sea current speed MILOM F1 L5 F23 IL07 F1 & F5 Preliminary 2005 2006 2007 2008

8 Characteristics of the deep sea current
Under influence of the Ligure current N E W NW NE N S E W NW NE SE SW Preliminary The mean velocity around 7 cm/s. Speed > 2cm/s Speed < 2cm/s Preliminary High variability in the deep sea current direction

9 Bioluminescence : Optical Background
In the literature: “baseline” 40K and bioluminescent bacteria (?) Photomultiplier counting rate kHz secondes

10 Correlation between bioluminescent activity and parameters of Mediterranean deep water.
2007 2008 In general: The number of bioluminescent flashes increases with the current velocity. Preliminary From 15 cm/s, the rate of flash (BurstFraction) is so important, that we must turn off the photomultipliers to avoid a premature ageing Since Summer 2006 MILOM 2005 Preliminary Stéphanie Escoffier (2006)

11 Seismology Collaboration with Géosciences Azur @ laboratory
On Antares Site The seismograph of ANTARES belongs to a seismic monitoring network, complementary with the ground stations.

12 In situ Oxygen Dynamics Auto-sampler (IODA6000)
IODA6000 v1.0 Battery housing ANR Motors Translation & rotation axis Incubation chamber Optode sensor Silicon joint C. Tamburini, D. Lefèvre, A. Robert, P. Payre, M. Billault, S. Berthey, K. Arnaud…

13 A Video camera to see the macro organism present on ANTARES site
AXIS221 Video monitoring Sensitivity 0.1 lux Field of sight up to 90 degrees, infra-red… ADCP OM Cam IL07 Web server integrated & software of release and capture in real-time J. Brunner

14 Web site for the Interdisciplinary development
Dedicated Web Server + Local DB Real time Internet Data Base Antares Antares Administration interface Public Pages Secure and user friendly interface for the data access

15 END…

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