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Introduction to Humanities Computing

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1 Introduction to Humanities Computing
Spring 1999 Quick Q&A Have they done evening classes before? Spring Session? Group work? Lecture Eleven

2 Review Operating Systems
What is the purpose of Emulators ?

3 Digital Image Fonts Raster/Vector Painting/Drawing
Pixels versus Objects

4 Dot matrix >> inkjet >> laser
Keyword DPI * * * Dots per inch Screen - 72 Older Laser printer - 300 Older Inkjet printer to 720 Inkjet printer for photo Professional repro Dot matrix >> inkjet >> laser

5 Fonts David Pogue Macs for Dummies Bitmapped fonts
Can only be printed clearly at a single size Map of Dots Postscript fonts Postscript- page description language Any size, any angle Filled Outline Two separate fonts -- one for screen, one for printer True Type Fonts Self-contained Jaggy free Self-smoothing David Pogue Macs for Dummies

6 Another keyword Pixels Small squares used to represent images

7 Dots versus Lines Adobe Photoshop User Guide Raster Vector
Bitmap images Use a grid of pixels Each pixel assigned location colour Resolution dependent can loose detail when magnified Vector Mathematically defined e.g. a circle with a certain radius, set at a specific location and filled with a specific colour Resolution independent Adobe Photoshop User Guide

8 Creation and Editing See ClarisWorks demo on CD and screen shots
Painting Raster Control over each dot Drawing Vector Object-oriented See ClarisWorks demo on CD and screen shots in textbook

9 Pixels versus Objects See comparison chart in textbook
Comment on the following: Text handling Printing Hardware requirements (storage & computation)

10 One more keyword Resolution Image resolution Monitor resolution
number of pixels displayed per unit of printed length usually measured in pixels per inch (ppi) Monitor resolution number of pixels displayed per unit of length of monitor usually measured in dots per inch depends on size of monitor and pixel setting Printer resolution number of inkdots per inch

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