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Unit 7 – Imperialism through World War I

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1 Unit 7 – Imperialism through World War I
Lesson # 5 – Treaty of Versailles Day 1

2 Thursday, May 2 Page 234: Page 235: Page 236: Page 237: Bell ringer:
Using your homework from last night (or the text book pages ), make a timeline depicting the major events that brought WWI to an end Objective: Analyze how nationalism increased in Germany due to debt from WWI. Explain how the Treaty of Versailles (1919), global depression, and the actions of the Axis powers led to WWII. Homework: Axis Aggression Page 235: Attach: Treaty of Versailles Simulation (with chart) Page 236: Attach: Document – Treaty of Versailles Page 237: Attach: Axis Aggression

3 Activity # 1 – Two Groups Group # 1 Group # 2
Will be completing group work learning about the Treaty of Versailles Group # 2 Will be completing their homework

4 Treaty of Versailles Simulation (page 235 in your notebook)
In your groups, assign each person a nation: France Great Britain United States Germany As a group, define the word “treaty”

5 Treaty of Versailles Simulation
Using what you have previously learned about the war, take five minutes (individually) to complete this chart (use text pages ): Victim or Aggressor State of the country at end of the war What does this country need to repair itself? What would this country want from a treaty? (include 2-3 items) France Great Britain United States Germany

6 Treaty of Versailles Simulation (page 235 in your notebook)
First (groups) Take turns identifying what your nation needs to repair itself after the war. Second (groups) Negotiate your treaty Decide how you will vote on items Decide which items are most important Determine at least 5 items that would comprise your end of war treaty

7 Treaty of Versailles Debrief (page 235 in your notebook)
What similarities existed between each nation’s desires? What differences existed? What difficulties did each nation face? Did each nation feel that it was a “winner”?

8 Treaty of Versailles (page 236 in your notebook)
Reading the Treaty of Versailles. Rank each article from 1 – 11. 1 = Most severe 11 = Least severe Treaty of Versailles

9 Exit Ticket Imagine that you are a German in How do you feel about the Treaty of Versailles? Make a prediction: 2. Ten years have passed since World War I ended. Predict how European nations have recovered from the war (remember the Treaty of Versailles): France Great Britain Germany

10 Unit 7 – Imperialism through World War I
Lesson # 5 – Treaty of Versailles Day 2

11 Friday, May 3 Page 237: Page 238: Page 239: Bell ringer: Objective:
Identify and describe three ways that Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles Objective: Analyze how nationalism increased in Germany due to debt from WWI. Explain how the Treaty of Versailles (1919), global depression, and the actions of the Axis powers led to WWII. Homework: Page 238: Attach The Great Depression Page 239: Attach: GERMANY, THE TREATY, AND WWII

12 Hello Students! I am sorry that I am not here today for the last day of World War I. Please do your best to complete the work and have a great Friday! YOUR NOTEBOOKS WILL BE CHECKED ON MONDAY, MAY 6 – have all homework assignments completed by this time.

13 Make a prediction Ten years have passed since World War I ended. Predict how European nations have recovered from the war (remember the Treaty of Versailles): France Great Britain Germany

14 In Reality…The Great Depression has begun in America
Stock Market Crash Buying on Speculation Bank Failures No new loans Reduction in Spending by Consumers Unemployment to 25% American Economic Policy with Europe Smoot-Hawley Tariff Drought Conditions The Dust Bowl

15 And it spreads… Each European nation is struggling to recover from World War I when the Great Depression spreads across the Atlantic

16 Government Intervention
In pairs, you are to come up with 2 policies that the government could come up with to help people deal with the depression. Remember that people are unemployed (so they need jobs), and people are poor and hungry. How can the government provide assistance? What policies can they institute? Ex: When students are failing, teachers offer tutorial or extra work that can be completed. What can the government to help its failing citizens? Program What does it do? What does it fix? Is it permanent?

17 Case Study: Germany Write three adjectives to describe how Germany is recovering from the War (remember the Treaty of Versailles) Write three ways Germans can revive their nation

18 Case Study: Germany Economically devastated after WWI
Spend money to create jobs: Transportation Modernization Goal: End unemployment Reality: Caused high inflation What does Germany need to get out of its Depression?

19 A strong leader: Adolf Hitler
“Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all.” “Armies for the preservation of peace do not exist; they exist only for the triumphant exertion of war.”

20 Exit Ticket: Why Hitler?
“1. We demand the union of all Germans in a Great Germany on the basis of the principle of self-determination of all people. 3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the settlement of our surplus population. 4. Only those who are our fellow coutnrymen can become citizens. Only those who have German blood, regardless of creed, can be our countrymen. Hence, no Jew can be a countryman. 7. We demand that the State shall above all understake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich (Germany). 8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave immediately.” - The Nazi Party’s Goals, Adolf Hitler speech 1920 Exit ticket: How was Hitler able to use German nationalism to his advantage? One full paragraph using R.A.C.E.

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