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Life’s Full Energy Activities b. Berakhot 32b

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Presentation on theme: "Life’s Full Energy Activities b. Berakhot 32b"— Presentation transcript:

1 Life’s Full Energy Activities b. Berakhot 32b
Dr. Brad Young

2 Four activities must be accomplished with full energy:
Our Rabbis teach: Four activities must be accomplished with full energy: Immersion in the study of Torah Actions done to help others Praying to God An individual’s life work

3 the “immersion in the study of Torah, and actions to help others”?
How do we learn about the “immersion in the study of Torah, and actions to help others”?

4 “Only be strong and very courageous
Because it is written, “Only be strong and very courageous to observe and to do, according to all the Torah which Moses My servant commanded you.” --Joshua 1:7

5 “Only be strong” refer to immersing oneself in the study of Torah,
Hence the words, “Only be strong” refer to immersing oneself in the study of Torah, and the words, “and very courageous” refer to actions which are accomplished to help others.

6 How do we learn about “praying to God”?

7 Because it is written, “Wait with hope for the Lord, Be strong, and allow your heart to take courage” (Psalm 27:14).

8 “an individual’s life’s work”?
How do we learn about “an individual’s life’s work”?

9 And let us prove ourselves Courageous for our people” (2 Samuel 2:12).
Because it is written, “Be strong, And let us prove ourselves Courageous for our people” (2 Samuel 2:12).

10 b. Berakhot 32b

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