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Your Personal Workout Coach

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Presentation on theme: "Your Personal Workout Coach"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Personal Workout Coach
ZAPT Your Personal Workout Coach

2 Team Members Akshaya Venkat - Team Manager Michael Zhou - Development
Tom Lehmann - Design Brenna Smith - Documentation

3 Overall Problem Working out isn't as easy as that
Requires knowledge of workouts Requires time for planning Potentially harmful if done incorrectly Motivation can be a big problem

4 High Level Solution Simple Idea: Create an app that functions as a guide, instructor, coach and motivator!

5 Outline of Talk Explain Representative Tasks
Live Demo of the Prototype Design Evolution Concept Mapping Contextual Inquiry (Sketches and Results) Task Analysis Low-Fi Prototype Interactive Prototype Future Enhancements & Conclusion

6 Representative Tasks Scenario 1: Setting up your profile
Goal: Determine what workout suits you best Reasoning: Simplifies the decision task for the user 0:47 - 1:10

7 Representative Tasks Scenario 2: Select workout and get tutorial
Goal: Be well prepared and avoid injury Reasoning: Further the knowledge and skill of the user

8 Representative Tasks Scenario 3: Complete a Workout, get Feedback and Statistics once you're finished Goal: Improve performance of the user Reasoning: Keep the user engaged and motivated 1:15 - 1:34

9 Interactive prototype demo
Live Demo Interactive prototype demo

10 Design and Prototyping Process
Design Evolution Design and Prototyping Process

11 Interactive Prototype
Design Process Contextual Inquiry Concepting Scenarios Paper Prototype Interactive Prototype

12 Overarching Goals Providing Knowledge Personalized Content
Improving Motivation Making Exercising Easier

13 Interactive Prototype Changes
Focus on visual / touch interface elements

14 Interactive Prototype Changes
Use of iPhone look and feel

15 Interactive Prototype Changes
New centralized home screen

16 Interactive Prototype Changes
Addition of rudimentary progress tracking

17 Future directions and summary
Conclusion Future directions and summary

18 Future Enhancements More robust prototypes
Voice recognition Camera utilization Body sensors Integration with other progress tracking applications Making the application social

19 Summary The Problem: People aren't exercising effectively because of lack of information. The Solution: ZAPT, a workout application that creates customized workout plan and acts as a personalized trainer.

20 Fin Questions?

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