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Prepared by: Abdallah Melhem Samer Sweileh SUPERVISOR: Dr. Hanal ABUZANT

2 Outline Idea & Motivation for Carrying out the Project.
2. System Design 3. Tools and Programming languages 4. System Roles and Their Descriptions 5. Future Works 6. Conclusion

3 Idea & Motivation for Carrying out the Project
The need for healthy life is important thing for any human. To live a healthy life free from diseases and problems, we must know how to choose the right food and how to organize our meals. and see if this food is appropriate with the nature of our bodies

4 Idea & Motivation for Carrying out the Project (cont….)
The natures of the human bodies are different from one to another. there are people suffering from obesity and there are another suffers from excessive thinness. and there are also suffering from diseases such as diabetes.

5 Idea & Motivation for Carrying out the Project (cont….)
These differences in the physical nature of the bodies in which food are plays an important role. it is this sense our search for the role of food and the contents of its calories in the organization of the lives for these people.

6 Idea & Motivation for Carrying out the Project (cont….)
Knowing the number of calories in the food we eat is very essential to know that we are on track to make healthy food program that fits with the nature of our lives,

7 Idea & Motivation for Carrying out the Project (cont….)
The main motivation for us to work project is : People ignorance of the information relating to food and the amount of calories in it and its impact on the body.

8 System Design Healthy life system architecture is three tiers architecture as the following figure illustrates:

9 Tools and Programming languages
We build our project depend on PhoneGap framework that is an open source framework for quickly building cross-platform mobile apps using HTML5, Javascript and CSS.

10 Tools and Programming languages (cont…)
Building applications for each device–iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile and more–requires different frameworks and languages. PhoneGap solves this by using standards-based web technologies to bridge web applications and mobile devices

11 Tools and Programming languages (cont…)
PhoneGap Build is our project that allows you to quickly build mobile applications and easily compile them without SDKs, compilers and hardware.

12 Tools and Programming languages (cont…)
We mainly used The jQuery mobile framework to develop the project depending on PhoneGap Framework and other programming languages such that (Html, CSS, jQuery, and php)

13 Tools and Programming languages (cont…)
jQuery mobile framework takes the "write less, do more" . Instead of writing unique apps for each mobile device or OS, the jQuery mobile framework allows you to design a single highly-branded web site or application that will work on all popular Smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms

14 System Roles and Their Descriptions
Healthy life project divides into many pages, each page has a special function, user can get information from these pages depend on what he wants

15 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Login Every user used this system has a special account. Through this account he can see his personal information such that weight, height, age, …….etc.

16 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
New Account If there is anyone interested in using this system can easily create a special account for enter to the system

17 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
In this page user continue his registration, but here user typed some personal details such as age, weight in KG, height in Meter, Gender, and his condition (Diet, Sport, Diabetes, …..etc), Then press sign up Button to finish the registration.

18 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Maine page After user login to the system this page that contains the various functions that help him organize his health. This page has many button, every button has a special function such that (BMI, history, input, output, settings and notification) At the top of page there is a label has the healthy type of user. Depend on the healthy type, the function of buttons are different from user to another.

19 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
BMI The body mass index measurement: is the calculation of someone’s body weight in relation to their height. it is defined as the individual's body mass divided by the square of their height - with the value universally being given in units of kg/m2

20 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
In our project we used BMI function for all the type of user in order to be always monitoring of fit with their height and weight. The user enter his height in meters & weight in KG then depends on equation the system calculate the BMI

21 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Illustrative chart for BMI

22 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Input On this page food elements were divided into three groups: 1. Carbohydrates and proteins 2. Vegetables and fruits 3. Meals

23 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Here was a divided foods based on user type, for every user type food should stick to taking it during the day. Here the user only has to choose the right food and is committed to a certain number of calories is suitable for his lifestyle.

24 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
For example, patients with diabetes they need special care in the quality of their food, choose their meals suitable for their health

25 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Also the user who follows the diet has a custom type of food is different from the rest of the users take into account the percentage of few calories.

26 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
As well as users who have an interest in the sport takes into account the system fed meals that contain a large percentage of proteins and carbs.

27 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
In the case of diabetic patients we are making limitation for numbers of calories they are taking it during the day.

28 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Also In the case of sports people, user determined the minimum & maximum numbers of calories that he is taking it during the day.

29 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
A special case for Sport should be the number of calories earned more than the lost Input > output

30 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
For people who follow the diet must be calories that they take a few. must also do burn more calories than they are taking in order to archive the decrease in weight. Output > input

31 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Also for users of the diet they can set a special program to organize a way to lose weight through a certain period of time

32 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Output The user through this page can account of the amount of calories that come out of his body, through the practice of some kinds of sports such as running, swimming. We count those calories through some equations that depend on the length and weight of the person who practices sports.

33 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
>> CB = [ x KPH3  x KPH2  x KPH ] x WKG x T CB = (SD x T x WKG)/8.6

34 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
Settings Page In this page user can edit his profile (account) to change his type from status to another status, for example if user was an diet type and follow the diet and lost weight and then change his type to the sport. In this case the users change the data type and then enter the new password, new height, new weight and age.

35 System Roles and Their Descriptions (cont…)
History On this page are stored total calories you gained or lost on a particular day. Through this page the user is aware of what make him lose and gain from calories, through it can control his weight.

36 Future Works Can change the language.
2. More detailed for the quality of food that come from calories (proteins ,fats, and carbohydrates ...etc)

37 Future Works (cont…) 3. Use of the property GPS in Mobile to calculate the number of kilometers traveled, rather than the user enters. There are also ready applications in mobile enables us to calculate the number of the steps traveled by the user through camera.

38 Future Works (cont…) 4. Also the desirable features of the system is to provide an integrated scheduling system to remind the user to the important dates, such as the date of the injection of insulin for diabetic patients, the date of exercise of the athletes and the date of meals for all users.

39 Conclusion Approximately all the functional requirements of the project are done. We hope that this project has led the purpose it is required to assist in the different categories of people and helped them to organize their lives and their time and reach their goals.

40 Thank you

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