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The Middle East (Southwest Asia)

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1 The Middle East (Southwest Asia)
FSMS 7th Grade Social Studies; Unit 2 Literacy Rates - GDP September 16th ; Georgia Standard SS7G8(e)

2 Southwest Asia Literacy Rates & GDP
Standard SS7G8 The student will describe the diverse cultures of the people who live in Southwest Asia (Middle East). (e) Evaluate how literacy rate affects the standard of living (or quality of life).

3 Southwest Asia Literacy Rates & GDP
Literacy Literacy, (the ability to read and write) has a big effect on the standard of living of a country. Generally speaking, the higher the literacy rate in a country corresponds to a higher standard of living. Standard of Living The financial health of a nation measured by how much that nation consumes.

4 Southwest Asia Literacy Rates & GDP
Literacy cont. Those who cannot read or write have a very difficult time finding decent jobs. Lack of education also prevents many young people from becoming the engineers, doctors, scientists, or business managers that modern economies need in order to bring improvements to their countries.

5 Southwest Asia Literacy Rates & GDP
Literacy cont. Many parts of Southwest Asia, particularly those where there are fewer cities and towns, have lower literacy rates than one finds in Europe or the United States. Often schooling is only available to those who can afford to pay to attend.

6 Southwest Asia Literacy Rates & GDP
Literacy cont. Many countries in this region are working hard to raise literacy rates among young people. Girls tend to have less opportunity to go to school than boys in many areas of Southwest Asia.

7 First Five AGENDA Message: Ethnic & Religious Groups Vocabulary Quiz is Wednesday September 21st. Review your Study Guides to Prepare for Success! Standard: Evaluate how literacy rate affects the standard of living (or quality of life). Essential Question for Monday September 19, 2016: What is the definition for GDP? Warm Up: What is the definition for Literacy Rate? TODAY WE WILL: Review Literacy Rate Introduce GDP Explain how Literacy Rate, GDP, & Standard of Living are related

8 ANSWERS E.Q. Answer for Monday September 19, 2016: GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is the total value of all goods and services produced within a nation in a given year and converted to U. S. dollars for comparison. Warm-Up: Literacy Rate, or the ability to read and write, has a big effect on the standard of living of a country. Generally speaking, the higher the literacy rate in a country corresponds to a higher standard of living

9 Southwest Asia Literacy Rates & GDP
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced within a nation in a given year and converted to U. S. dollars for comparison. When divided into a value per capita (per person), it can be used as a measure of the general welfare or living conditions in a country. Generally speaking the higher the GDP value, the better the living conditions in the country.

10 First Five AGENDA Message: Ethnic & Religious Groups Vocabulary Quiz is TOMORROW! Review your Study Guides to Prepare for Success! Standard: Evaluate how literacy rate affects the standard of living (or quality of life). Essential Question for Tuesday September 20, 2016: What two countries that have the highest GDP in SWA? Warm Up: How are Literacy Rate, GDP, & Standard of Living Connected? TODAY WE WILL: Review Study Guides for Quiz Tomorrow Complete Literacy/GDP Handouts Chapter 16 Ethnic & Religious Groups Review

11 ANSWERS E.Q. Answer for Tuesday September 20th: Qatar & Kuwait Warm-Up Answer: Literacy has a major impact education and your ability to make money. The ability to make money has a major impact on the Gross Domestic Product of a country. Both have a major impact on Standard of Living of the people in a given country.

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