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The Fertile Crescent Ancient Mesopotamia.

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1 The Fertile Crescent Ancient Mesopotamia




5 The Fertile Crescent Area from the Persian Gulf through the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys along the Mediterranean Sea Area of Middle East where civilization began. Fertile - crescent shaped land. Large supply of sheep, goats, and wheat in the wild. Nomads settle City-states are formed

6 Things to Know River valleys prime locations for cultures to develop into civilizations- good for travel, trade, and farming. A civilization is a highly developed culture complete with religion, government, social class structure, and writing system.

7 Life in the Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys Challenges Solutions
Rivers are unpredictable Sometimes the rivers overflow and floods destroy crops Other times the rivers do not overflow when expected causing damage to dehydrated crops. Build levees (dams and channels) to control floods. Build walls,waterways and ditches to bring water to crops( irrigation)

8 Mesopotamia Eastern part of Fertile Crescent Present day - Iraq
Also known as the land between 2 rivers 1. Tigris River 2. Euphrates River

9 People of the Fertile Crescent
Sumerians Akkadians Babylonians Assyrians Hittites Chaldeans Persians

10 Sumer City-states rose about 3000 B.C. between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Developed a system of irrigation (bringing water to crops through a system of a waterways, walls and ditches). Each city-state independent of one another desire for more land War

11 Sumerian Developments
System of writing- cuneiform-wedge shaped symbols First people to live in a city-state Divide the year Divide the circle into 360 parts Developed a 12 month calendar based on the lunar cycle used the wheel and made vehicles Invented the plow and the sail boat Number system based on 60 Used geometry to measure fields and put up buildings

12 Sumerians and Religion
Belief in many gods. Each god has powers over nature or activity. Temple called ziggurat built to honor chief god. Large tiered structure with a shrine on the highest tier Belief that gods speak to priests

13 Sumerian Professions Farmers Tradesmen Merchants Soldiers
Government officials Artisans- skilled workers

14 Sumerian Social Class Structure
Upper Class-kings, priests, government officials Middle Class- artisans, merchants, farmers, and fishers. Slaves-criminal, pay off debt, and prisoners of war

15 The Development of Writing in Sumer
Wedge shaped symbols called cuneiform. Used to keep track of records and business transactions. Writing material 1. Damp clay 2. Sharp ended reed called a stylus

16 Writers and Literature in Sumer
People that keep written records are called scribes Oldest known stories are from Sumer -Epic of Gilgamesh

17 Akkadians Conquer Sumerian City-States
Conflicts , arguing, and wars weaken Sumerian city-states 2340 B.C. Sargon (Akkadian King) conquers and unites Mesopotamia First empire formed - lasts for 200 years

18 Babylonians Babylon built by Euphrates River Emerged 1800s B.C.
1792 B.C. Babylonian King Hammurabi conquers Mesopotamia Study astronomy and astrology Horoscopes

19 Hammurabi King of Babylonians Made Babylon powerful
Best known for his laws known as the Code of Hammurabi 282 laws covering all parts of society An eye for an eye justice

20 Code of Hammurabi

21 The Assyrians 1,000 years after Hammurabi
Need for strong army to protect lands leads to becoming conquerors Strong -war seeking group Lion hunters

22 Assyrian Army Strong Ferocious Organized
1. foot soldiers-daggers and spears 2.chariot riders Soldiers on horseback

23 Assyrian Government Capital- Ninevah on Tigris River Ruled by king
Empire divided into districts called provinces

24 Assyrian Developments
Built a system of connecting roads Created the first library-25,000 tablets First to develop a standing army Developed a mail service Large temples and palaces

25 Assyrian difficulties
People treated harshly Many Rebellions and Mercenaries hired Downfall of Assyrians

26 The Chaladeans Control Mesopotamia from 605 B.C.-562 B.C.
Descendants of Babylonians Rebuild Babylon World’s largest and richest city-protected by brick wall

27 Creation of one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
Hanging Gardens of Babylon-built by King Nebuchadnezzer

28 Achievements Sun dial Seven day week

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