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Email id: WEbsite: Welcome to Vigil Safety Technologies Email id:

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1 Email id: WEbsite:
Welcome to Vigil Safety Technologies id: WEbsite:

2 Introduction Vigil Safety Technologies develops and integrated high functional safety products with latest technologies embedded in it. Vigil safety technologies manufactures Proximity Warning and alert systems for safety measures in construction sites. Proximity warning and detection alert systems are used in construction sites to avoid unexpected collisions between person and asset.

3 Our Products We manufacture RFID Tag based Proximity warning alert system which reduces the risk of accidents that took place between heavy moving equipments. This is designed and developed to promote site safety by protecting workers from moving heavy equipment used in constructions. Tag based proximity warning and alert system uses active RFID technology to detect and send signals or alert to the operator in a vehicle. It is the world’s first modular system that is incorporated with numerous enhancements. Our tag based proximity warning detection system uses high power receivers and antenna to send and receive signals.


5 Products Front and Rear View Closed Circuit Front and Rear Cameras
Transponder Tags Cable Kit

6 How it Works ? RFID tags detects the person or object by movement and is sent SCU. System control unit monitors tags in real time and respond depending upon the type of tag. This constantly monitors by SCU. If the person or asset is detected then system immediately sends audible or visible alert to avoid collision between assets and person. Adding extra layer of protection we provide closed circuit camera system which provides visuals of blind areas to the operator.

7 Why Vigil site safe? Due to its High Quality and Reliability
Uses high functional electronic units in manufacturing safety products Incorporated with latest and advanced technologies Product Customization and Installation Services Excellent customer Support

8 Benefits of Proximity Warning systems
Save lives and prevent physical disabilities  Increases confidence of employees while working  Improves site safety measures  Save project downtime due to accidents  Avoid loss/damage of equipment

9 Applications Work Lay downs Construction Sites Warehouses Stock Yards
Proximity warning detection and alert systems can be used in any locations where there is a chance of collisions of assets and people. Some of the applications are: Work Lay downs Construction Sites Warehouses Stock Yards Ports, Docks & Shipping Terminals Railway Terminals Truck Depots Mine & Quarries

10 Thank You Presented by

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