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Structures, Strategies and Compositions

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Presentation on theme: "Structures, Strategies and Compositions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Structures, Strategies and Compositions
Lesson 3 – aim and purpose of fast break

2 Today we will... Homework feedback
Peer marking task – ‘How we gathered data on our individual performance’ Explain why method of data collection was appropriate Introduce the aim of the Fast Break. Learn how to describe the Fast Break. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy. Issue homework for Thursday 9th Feb (click here to see homework)

3 Homework feedback Excellent of the standard expected
Homework codes used in PE Excellent of the standard expected Satisfactory, some key content / information missing Unsatisfactory, not of the level required – REDO

4 Homework feedback Some improvements required Common mistakes
Generally positive start, room for improvement however. Some improvements required Running is not the same as dribbling Parent / guardian signature Common mistakes Not discussing the special qualities you have. Not discussing the physical qualities that make you suited to position. Naming skills and physical attributes that do not match position chosen

5 Last week you answered the question below Q
Last week you answered the question below Q. How can we gather data on our performance? Swap jotters with your partner, use the key content below to mark your partners work. Note any missing content below their answer. Key Content Video recorded playing a competitive 10 minute game against opponents of similar ability. Another pupil observed me using the video and completed an observation schedule. Observation schedule broke my performance down into main attacking skills: Passing Dribbling Rebounding Lay-up Jump Shot Set Shot A tick was given if the skill was done effectively and a cross if it was done ineffectively.

6 Why was this method appropriate?
In physical education you will often be asked to justify your answer. For this reason it’s crucial that you know why the methods you used to gather data were appropriate. Video allowed me to record accurate data. Basketball is fast paced. For this reason it was important I could pause and rewind my performance to make sure I didn’t miss anything. 10 minutes is an appropriate time as it gives plenty of time to demonstrate all our skills. Observation schedule was easy to use and understand, clearly highlighted strengths and weaknesses. Observation schedule is a permanent record of performance, can be looked back on to see if performance improved.

7 Fast Break Video Clip

8 Fast Break Win Rebound Outlet pass Fast Break On Defence F PG C

9 The aim of the Fast Break
Using the words below, piece the puzzle together to explain the aim of the fast break allowing one of our unmarked players before the opposition get back to score with a lay-up To quickly move key and set up a free shot (lay-up) the ball up court to the oppositions to set up a defence,

10 The aim of the Fast Break
Did you get it correct? To quickly move the ball up court to the oppositions key and set up a free shot (lay-up) before the opposition get back to set up a defence, allowing one of our unmarked players to score with a lay-up

11 The 2 Key Principles of Attack
There are 2 key principles required for a successful Fast Break: What are they? Fill in the blanks Speed: Speed allows you to get up the court before the opposition have time to set up a defence. Width: By creating width you can spread out any defenders that get back creating more space around the basket and space for the point guard to drive up the middle of the court. There are 2 key principles required for a successful Fast Break: What are they? Fill in the blanks Speed: Speed allows you to get up the court before the opposition have time to set up a defence. Width: By creating width you can spread out any defenders that get back creating more space around the basket and space for the point guard to drive up the middle of the court.

12 Fast Break Win Rebound Outlet pass Fast Break On Defence F PG C

13 Describe the Fast Break
Centre makes a defensive rebound. Centre makes an ‘outlet pass’ to the Point Guard who has cut to the side of the court. Point Guard drives down the centre of the court at speed. Centre overlaps point guard to fill the right lane. Left lane is filled by the Forward. All 3 players have now ‘filled the lanes’ (width). Once the Point Guard has reached the top of the key they pass to the Forward who scores a lay-up shot. The Centre cuts into the basket to win the rebound if the shot is missed.

14 Strengths of the Fast Break
If done with speed you can reach your opponents key before their defence are set up, giving your forward an unopposed lay-up. Finishes with a lay-up shot – easiest shot meaning lots of baskets. ‘Filling the lanes’ spreads any defenders out, creating space for point guard to dribble at speed and space for forward to dribble into when scoring lay-up. Simple strategy to understand and use in games, can also be easily adapted. Pass to centre instead of forward Point Guard dribble in to score lay-up Pass to centre who plays reverse pass to forward

15 Weaknesses of the Fast Break
You have to perform skills quickly which means that if your skill level is not high then you make lots of mistakes e.g. misplace your pass, drop the ball Tiring if you use it for the whole game. If used repeatedly it can be predictable. If the defence know what is coming they will be more organised and will intercept the ball more. Team weaknesses Example 1: Centre is not tall enough to win defensive rebounds which means the attack can’t start. Example 2: PG can’t dribble quick enough so the defence has time to set up.

16 Homework Due Thursday 9th February (Must be signed)
Describe a structure, strategy or composition you have used in an activity of your choice (in other words, describe the fast break). Key Content: aim of fast break, description of fast break, explanation of why you need speed and width. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen structure, strategy or composition (in other words describe the strengths & weaknesses of the fast break). Think: Sentences and paragraphs

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