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900 cinderellas Power Point Project guidance

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1 900 cinderellas Power Point Project guidance
With a partner, create a power point presentation that compares AND contrasts 3 different Cinderella stories from Unit 8: 900 Cinderellas. Be sure to clearly show how the 3 stories are SIMILAR and how they are DIFFERENT (you may use a Venn Diagram with three circles, or use three separate slides to express this information) Have slides that shares some basic facts about the CULTURES of your 3 chosen stories. Have a slide where you draw conclusions about how the THEMES of the stories are still relevant to us today. Use at least 3 of the following Unit 8 vocabulary words: Imposter, Supernatural, Motif, Character Type, Personification, Conflict. UNDERLINE these words to make them easy to find. Be sure to have an opening slide with a catchy title. Be sure to have a closing slide that summarizes what is most important about your presentation Use graphics (pictures) and text on every page to make you presentation interesting and attractive.

2 Unit 8 Story listing "Achenputtel", Germany, by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm "The Algonquin Cinderella", Eastern United States, retold by M.R. Cox "Yeh-Shen", China, retold by Ai-Ling Louie "Oni and the Great Bird", West Africa, retold by Abayomi Fuja "Master Frog", Vietnam, retold by Lynette Dyer Vuong "Sealskin, Soulskin", Alaska, retold by Clarissa Pinkola Estes "Judge Rabbit and the Tree Spirit", Cambodia, retold by Lina Mao Wall "The Hummingbird King", Mayan, retold by Argentina Palacios “Cinderella”, French, Charles Perrault (the original)

3 Standards you will meet!
COMMON CORE ELA STANDARDS: Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes Determine the theme of a text Analyze how setting shapes characters and plot Present information such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning Make strategic use of digital media to express information and enhance understanding Present information using appropriate eye contact, adequate volume and clear pronounciation NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE SOCIAL STUDIES (NCSS) CURRICULUM STANDARDS explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies, and cultures address similar human needs and concerns describe ways in which language, stories, folktales, music, and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture and influence behavior of people living in a particular culture

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