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UW-Stevens Point October 1, 2012 October 4, 2012.

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1 UW-Stevens Point October 1, 2012 October 4, 2012

2 Initial steps in the UPS design…
Current State Assessment Employees from UW System institutions were asked to identify three things: Current state problem, symptom or limitation Impact of problem, symptom or limitation Institution assigned priority In Fall 2011 A Final Review

3 Initial steps in the UPS design…
UPS Work Groups were created around recurring themes in the Current State Assessment. Employee Categories Compensation Benefits Employee Environment Recruitment & Assessment Employee Movement Started in February 2012 Five UWSP participants: Cindy Balz (Movement), Carol Schulz (Env), Erin Hintz (Comp), Mick Veum (Cat), Bob Tabor (Recruit) A Final Review

4 Initial steps in the UPS design…
Work Groups used Current State Assessment responses to guide discussions. Work Groups drafted initial UPS recommendations. Drafts were distributed to stakeholders for feedback. Feb & Mar 2012 A Final Review

5 Initial steps in the UPS design…
All UW institutions were tasked with communicating initial recommendations and collecting feedback. Feedback was collected through surveys, , MY UW System portal, employee forums, and conversations. Over 1000 responses System-wide (all institutions represented). Feedback was documented and reviewed by the UPS Project Team. Feedback is currently posted on the UPS website. During April & May 2012 A Final Review

6 Recent events… UPS Project Team drafted proposed implementation decisions based on stakeholder feedback. Proposed implementation decisions were categorized based on guidance from the UPS Task Force and UW institutions’ leadership. The five decision categories are: Decision effective July 1, 2013 requiring Board of Regents (BOR) and Joint Committee on Employment Relations (JCOER) approval. Decision effective July 1, 2013 requiring BOR approval but not JCOER approval. Decision effective July 1, 2013 requiring BOR approval and statutory change. Decisions that UW institutions are encouraged to implement under existing delegated authority. Decision being recommended for further discussion and potential implementation after July 1, 2013. June, July and August 1012 A Final Review

7 Next Steps…. Stakeholders review the proposed implementation decisions
Consider proposed decisions and the guiding principles of simplicity, consistency and coherence Provide reaction to the UPS Project Team at Now we are here… A Final Review

8 Future events… September, 2012 – October 19, 2012: Review of draft implementation decisions by stakeholders November 2012 – March 2013: Finalization of new personnel system to be reviewed and approved by Chancellors, Board of Regents, and Joint Committee On Employee Relations March 2013 – June 2013: Prepare for implementation July 1, 2013: UPS implementation begins July 1, 2013 – Onward: Continued work on the proposed decisions which were recommended for further discussion and potential implementation after July 1, 2013 A Final Review

9 Documenting Proposed Implementation Decisions
The template decision document is a tool used to capture the current state, stakeholder feedback, the proposed implementation decision, and supporting business case. Identifies key issues being addressed. Explains the options discussed, the relevant benefits and risks. Documents the potential costs, policies and operational requirements e.g., new processes, communication, training. Provides a record of accountability and drives support by decision makers. Every proposed implementation decision has been documented using this process. Tremendous amount of information had to be organized and understandable A Final Review

10 Template Decision Document
TOPIC DECISION NUMBER UPS WORK GROUP NAME PROPOSED UPS IMPLEMENTATION DECISION CATEGORY (ONE OF THE FOLLOWING WILL BE ENTERED IN THIS BOX) I. Decision effective July 1, 2013 requiring Board of Regents and Joint Committee on Employment Relations approval. II. Decision effective July 1, 2013 requiring Board of Regents approval but not Joint Committee on Employment Relations approval. III. Decision effective July 1, 2013 requiring Board of Regents approval and statutory change. IV. Decisions that UW institutions are encouraged to implement under existing delegated authority. V. Decisions being recommended for further discussion and for potential implementation after July 1, 2013. Blank form for your reference A Final Review

INITIAL UPS WORK GROUP RECOMMENDATION t CURRENT STATE SUMMARY OF STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK ON UPS PROPOSED DECISION BUSINESS CASE FOR THE UPS PROPOSED DECISION Identification of key issue(s) being addressed: Discussion of proposed state: Reasons for recommended proposed decision: Implementation challenges of the proposed decision: If approved, when will the decision be implemented and how many staff will be affected: If the decision is not approved, the ramifications are: A Final Review

IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED DECISIONS ON EXTERNAL AGENCIES POLICY FOR THE PROPOSED DECISION PROPOSED DECISION IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES Effective date of implementation: University Personnel Guidelines Implications: Transition Plan for University Workforce: Communication Strategies: Training Strategies: Blank form A Final Review

13 Employee Categories Proposed Implementation Decisions
Five categories Current classified staff will be known as University Staff A Final Review

14 Employee Categories Proposed Implementation Decisions
Proposed decisions effective July 1, 2013: The UPS will consist of five employee categories. University Staff given the opportunity to participate in decision making at each institution. Current classified FLSA exempt titles will become Academic Staff Incumbents will be given a choice to move to Academic Staff or remain in University Staff. This will be an irrevocable decision. After July 1, 2013, employees hired into FLSA exempt positions will be Academic Staff. One time choice to move to academic staff A Final Review

15 Employee Categories Proposed Implementation Decisions
Title and Total Compensation Structure Analysis A Request for Proposal (RFP) will be drafted to determine whether a self-funded title and total compensation structure analysis should be done. Titles and total compensation (salary and benefits) structures will be included in the RFP to ensure the title definitions adequately describe the array of duties and responsibilities across the UW System and that the associated salary and benefit ranges are informed by the current market. Job families or groups based on functional area will be included in the RFP. Need to meet the needs of the university A Final Review

16 Compensation Proposed Implementation Decisions
All employees’ base pay rates will remain the same upon UPS implementation. Proposed decisions to be included in State of Wisconsin Biennial Budget: All employees will be eligible for merit increases outside of a biennial pay plan, and merit will be a component of the biennial pay plan for all employees. Continue the current ability of UW institutions to fund and implement supplemental pay plans. A Final Review

17 Compensation Proposed Implementation Decisions
Will be included in the RFP for a Title and Total Compensation Structure Analysis Appropriate market comparisons Assigning pay structures to titles Implementing tools for salary flexibility Proposed decision to be effective July 1, 2013: A pay plan for all employees that will include: More flexible pay schedules for most University Staff Continued pay schedules based on prevailing wage rates for Building Trades employees All FLSA exempt staff will be treated consistently, with the exception of public safety supervisors, as permitted by law A Final Review

18 Compensation Proposed Implementation Decisions
Proposed decisions recommended for further discussion and potential implementation after July 1, 2013: Offer employees who work on an academic year contract the option of payment over 9 or 12 months. All employees paid on a bi-weekly basis. If bi-weekly pay isn’t implemented, academic year employees paid on a monthly calendar in HRS. Option of 9 months pay over 12 months A Final Review

19 Total Compensation The RFP for a structure analysis will include a review of total compensation comparables from applicable market data Total compensation includes all employer paid benefits that employees receive Paid annual leave (vacation) Sick leave Paid leave banks Employer paid health insurance contributions Retirement (WRS) A Final Review

20 Benefits Recommendations
All benefits will remain the same on July 1, 2013. Some benefits recommendations will be considered for inclusion in the RFP for a Title and Total Compensation Structure Analysis. Some benefits recommendations will be held for continued discussion after July 1, 2013. Craftsworker/Trades and temporary employees (LTEs) will be studied separately. A Final Review

21 Benefits Recommendations
For potential inclusion in the RFP for a Title and Total Compensation Structure Analysis Paid annual leave accrual schedule Sick leave accrual schedule Paid leave banking Tuition assistance Personal holiday allocations combined into paid annual leave Legal holidays Bereavement leave Potentially in RFP A Final Review

22 Benefits Recommendations
Benefits recommendations for continued discussion after July 1, 2013: Immediate eligibility of employer contribution toward health insurance (i.e. - first day pick up) Review and enhance where possible current employee paid benefit plans (e.g. – life, vision, dental insurance, flexible spending, etc.) General paid leave administration consistency Observance of weekend legal holidays Fiscal year accrual for paid annual leave Use of paid annual leave from first day of employment Not in RFP A Final Review

23 Benefits Recommendations
Benefits recommendations for continued discussion after July 1, 2013: Study the feasibility of: Combining ICI programs One catastrophic leave program One consistent supplemental leave administration policy Sick leave administration Five-year sick leave reinstatement for all sick-leave eligible employees Also not in RFP A Final Review

24 Employee Environment Proposed Implementation Decisions
Proposed Decisions effective July 1, 2013: Dismissal for cause for University Staff retained and incorporated into the UPS as required by Wis. Stat. § (4). Establish grievance procedures for University Staff including all elements required by Wis. Stat. § (4). Create employee safety and workplace expectations with the ability of each institution to further define them as required by Wis. Stat. § (4). A single Board of Regents code of ethics that includes all employees as required by Wis. Stat (11)(b). Layoff procedures for University Staff, under which layoff order decisions will be based on employer need and other factors including employee job performance and seniority. A Final Review

25 Employee Environment Proposed Implementation Decisions
Decisions UW institutions are encouraged to implement under existing delegated authority: Enhance supervisor education programs and ensure follow-up education for existing supervisors. Enhance new employee programs that provide resources at the start of employment and throughout the employee experience. Enhance performance management structures. Continue and enhance efforts that support diversity in all aspects of the UPS and work environment, including education on diversity for all employees. A Final Review

26 Recruitment & Assessment Proposed Implementation Decision
Proposed decisions to be effective July 1, 2013: Develop and utilize simplified and flexible hiring methods that are fair and based on merit . Integrate current recruitment policies into a single system of university employment practices: ensure institutional flexibility in recruitment and assessment practices; require mandatory probationary periods for all hires except limited appointees; an employee who does not pass probation may return to previous employer at employer’s discretion; ensure inclusive and equal access to fair, merit-based recruitment and assessment processes based on job-related criteria; develop, share, and use best practices for recruitment and assessment across the UW System. Flexibility; mandatory probation; return at employer’s discretion A Final Review

27 Employee Movement Proposed Implementation Decision
Proposed Decisions effective July 1, 2013: Adopt business rules that allow employees to retain WRS years of service, sick leave, and certain leave benefits when moving to different positions within and between UW institutions, as well as to and from UW-Madison and State agencies. Eliminate mandatory placement in a position so that employees participate in a competitive recruitment process for every position. Consideration of current employees may be provided as a initial step in the recruitment process. Career advancement and progression opportunities for potential inclusion in the RFP for a Title and Total Compensation Structure Analysis. No more mandatory transfers A Final Review

28 UPS Timeline (2012) September - October 19: Proposed implementation decisions presented to and discussed with Legislators September - October 19: Proposed Implementation Decisions reviewed by governance groups and other stakeholder groups October 22 - October 31: Review and consider stakeholder input of the proposed implementation decisions November 1: UPS Steering Group reviews final draft November 7: UPS Task Force reviews final draft We are now in the BOLD period…call, write or A Final Review

29 UPS Timeline (cont’d) November 16, 2012: Final draft approved by Chancellors December 6 and 7, 2012: Proposed implementation decisions and Regent policy recommendations presented to Board of Regents for approval January 2013: Needed technical statutory bill presented to Legislature February 2013: BOR approved final draft presented to JCOER for approval March - June 2013: Prepare for implementation (training, education, testing) July 1, 2013: UPS implementation begins July 1, 2013 – Forward: Continued work on the proposed decisions for further discussions and potential implementation after July 1, 2013 Chancellors…BOR…legislation…JCOER A Final Review

30 Questions Visit the UPS website:
questions and feedback to Review the complete UPS Proposed Implementation Decisions here: (LINK) <Include other ways for employees to submit questions and feedback. Keep in mind not all employees have access to or computers.> A Final Review

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