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O God, with all our hearts, we long for You. Come transform us to be

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Presentation on theme: "O God, with all our hearts, we long for You. Come transform us to be"— Presentation transcript:

1 O God, with all our hearts, we long for You. Come transform us to be
O God, with all our hearts, we long for You. Come transform us to be Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused, Multiplying disciples everywhere.

2 Simple Steps Common Language How do you talk to one another
Simple Steps Common Language How do you talk to one another? How do you talk to your leaders? “Multiplying Transformational Churches.” Simple vision. Sea to Sea, “Every church every 5 years engages in a multiplying venture.” Visionary Environment/Develop Leaders/Research /Delivery Systems Nurture, Venture, Culture & Structure (Identify but don’t isolate the parts) So we keep learning and identifying what is needed next. Bottom line: Multiply disciples everywhere.

3 A Call to Excellence (x8) Christ-like – mistaken for Christ
Relational – first choice Model for others Wellness – spirit, soul, body, ... Servant – serve, integrity Stewardship - invest Submission to authority Mediation – settle deputes SHEPHERD How are you doing? (Check your pulse) As a spiritual leader in the church I am called to Kingdom excellence in my life and ministry. I recognize that this is not possible in my own strength but must be a by-product of the indwelling Spirit of the living God. It is in union with Christ that I am sanctified thoroughly thereby being separated from sin and the world and fully dedicated to God, receiving power for holy living and sacrificial and effective service toward the completion of Christ’s commission. This is accomplished through being filled with the Holy Spirit which is both a distinct event and a progressive experience in the life of the believer. (1 Thessalonians 5:23; Acts 1:8; Romans 12:1, 2; Galatians 5:16-25). Partner champion

4 (1 Thessalonians 5:23; Acts 1:8; Romans 12:1, 2; Galatians 5:16-25).
Believing this to be true I dedicate myself to conduct my ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit according to the biblical principles and ethical guidelines set forth in this code of ethics, in order that my ministry be acceptable to God, my service beneficial to the Christian community, and my life a witness to the world. I recognize that the following standards are designed to preserve the dignity, maintain the discipline, and promote the integrity of my calling as a pastor and to be a sign of the coming Kingdom of God. SHEPHERD A Call to Excellence (x8) Christ-like – mistaken for Christ Relational – first choice Model for others Wellness – spirit, body, ... Servant – serve, integrity Stewardship Submission to authority Mediation – settle deputes How are you doing? (Check your pulse) As a spiritual leader in the church I am called to Kingdom excellence in my life and ministry. I recognize that this is not possible in my own strength but must be a by-product of the indwelling Spirit of the living God. It is in union with Christ that I am sanctified thoroughly thereby being separated from sin and the world and fully dedicated to God, receiving power for holy living and sacrificial and effective service toward the completion of Christ’s commission. This is accomplished through being filled with the Holy Spirit which is both a distinct event and a progressive experience in the life of the believer. (1 Thessalonians 5:23; Acts 1:8; Romans 12:1, 2; Galatians 5:16-25). Partner champion

5 Three in a group – each one takes one – take different ones! Share.
SHEPHERD Role Evaluation: its good to talk! I Get To Do … energizes you. The Have to Do … drains you. The Need to Do … you tend to avoid I Want to Do … dream about this stuff. One Sentence Job Description. I belong to: Home team. Partners. Global Team. How are you doing? (Check your pulse) 2. How are you doing? (Evaluation) Partner champion DO THIS – 7-10 minutes Three in a group – each one takes one – take different ones! Share. Then, go around the circle again – in one sentence, how do you serve in your home church, here among us, globally? If someone is too long-winded, gently tap their leg and smile. 

6 SHEPHERD Partner champion 3. How are your sheep? “feed my sheep”
How are you doing? (Check your pulse) 3. How are your sheep? “feed my sheep” 2. How are you doing? (Evaluation) 4. How do you know how “they are doing?” 2014 – Transformation Tracker Partner champion

7 2014 – Transformation Tracker Multiplying disciples everywhere.
SHEPHERD How are you doing? (Check your pulse) 3. How are your sheep? “feed my sheep” 2. How are you doing? (Evaluation) 4. How do you know how “they are doing?” 2014 – Transformation Tracker PARTNER champion * Think about our “vision prayer” Multiplying disciples everywhere.




























35 This one strategy: One of the big reasons you joined.
What we do depends upon this. This requires an unusual work of the Spirit. We will fail without this simple strategy. It is the hardest of all our strategies to teach, model & sustain. On Mission: Everyone – Everywhere – All the Time Christ Centred – Spirit Filled – Mission Focused

36 On Mission: Everyone – Everywhere – All the Time
A Global Mission “ A five S strategy” We balance three tasks all the time! GPS: Tri - Lateration On Mission: Everyone – Everywhere – All the Time

37 but movements are not lonely.
SHEPHERD How are you doing? (Check your pulse) 3. How are your sheep? “feed my sheep” 2. How are you doing? (Evaluation) 4. How do you know how “they are doing?” 2014 – Transformation Tracker The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world. We demolish arguments and every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete. It is a fact: “You belong.” Cor. 10:4-6 PARTNER champion Movements may be messy but movements are not lonely. Jesus’ “called-out people” is a family – more than a crowd or congregation.

38 “You’re not alone – you’re a “combine” ( The modern combine comprises over 17,000 parts – a car only 6,000 )

39 SHEPHERD How are you doing? (Check your pulse) 3. How are your sheep? “feed my sheep” 2. How are you doing? (Evaluation) 4. How do you know how “they are doing?” 2014 – Transformation Tracker Partner champion If you are simply a “lonely shepherd” than all you need are a few sheep, a lonely hill and sunset.

40 TOGETHER is our strategy. We’re an Alliance:
SHEPHERD How are you doing? (Check your pulse) 3. How are your sheep? “feed my sheep” 2. How are you doing? (Evaluation) 4. How do you know how “they are doing?” 2014 – Transformation Tracker Partner champion TOGETHER is our strategy. We’re an Alliance: - When we become partners we volunteer resources, reach out, sacrifice, show up, give, build together, rebuild, fail and try again, together. We pray for one another. We make disciples everywhere.

41 SHEPHERD How are you doing? (Check your pulse) 3. How are your sheep? “feed my sheep” 2. How are you doing? (Evaluation) 4. How do you know how “they are doing?” 2014 – Transformation Tracker Partner champion We help each other. We’ve made promises. We go to the least reached. Never stop learning and going. We multiply disciples everywhere. A noun or a verb? Together we are a Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused movement. We intend to multiply disciples everywhere.

42 Here’s where we are going:
One team “completely given over to Jesus, completely filled with the Spirit, everyone participating, new disciples, churches mobilized to multiply, sending and supporting IWs to the least reached. We accept the cost of this vision. ” Together. 2 Corinthians 10:15b & 16: Our hope is that, As your faith continues to grow Our area of activity among you will greatly expand So that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you. For we do not want to boast about work already done in another man’s territory.

43 O God, with all our hearts, we long for You. Come transform us to be
O God, with all our hearts, we long for You. Come transform us to be Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused, Multiplying disciples everywhere.

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