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Bell work! Have you ever felt compelled to stand up for what you believe in, even if that may mean standing alone? What issue drove you to do this and.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work! Have you ever felt compelled to stand up for what you believe in, even if that may mean standing alone? What issue drove you to do this and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell work! Have you ever felt compelled to stand up for what you believe in, even if that may mean standing alone? What issue drove you to do this and why? Answer in your writer’s notebooks.

2 Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution

3 Important Terms Totalitarian government- Government has total control (dictatorship) Communism- Major sources of revenue (mines, factories, farms, etc.) are owned by the government and wealth is distributed equally among citizens

4 Mr. Jones Tsar Nicholas II (last emperor of Russia)
Irresponsible with his animals (forgets to feed them) Sometimes cruel (beats them) Sometimes kind (sometimes feeds them good food… when he remembers to feed them) Poor leader Cruel, sometimes brutal with opponents Sometimes kind* (hired students as spies so they could make money)

5 Old Major Karl Marx/Lenin Taught animalism
Preaches “Animals do the work, farmers keep the money” Dies before animal revolution Taught communism Preaches “Workers of the world unite and take over the government” Dies before Russian revolution

6 Snowball Leon Trotsky Young, smart, good speaker, idealistic pig
Truly wants to make life better for all One of the leaders of the Animal revolt Chased away into exile by Napoleon’s dogs Other leader of Russian rebolt Truly wanted to make life better for all in Russia Pure communist, followed Marx Chased away by Lenin’s secret police

7 Napoleon Joseph Stalin Not a good speaker, not as clever as Snowball
Cruel, brutal, selfish, devious, corrupt Cares about power, killed his opponents Used dogs, moses, and Squealor to control animals Not a good speaker, not educated like Trotsky Corrupt, didn’t follow Marx’s ideas Cared for power, killed all that opposed him Used KGB (secret police), church, and propaganda to control people

8 Squealer Propaganda department of Lenin’s government
Big mouth, talks a lot Convinces animals to believe in Napoleon Changes and manipulates the commandments Worked for Stalin to support his image Used any lie to convince the people to follow Stalin Benefitted from the fact that education was controlled

9 Moses the Raven Religion
Tells animals about Sugar Candy mountain (Heaven) Animals can go there if they work hard Snowball and Major were against him

10 Boxer The Working Class Dedicated and loyal
Quick to help, but not able to think independently Trusts the pigs to make decisions for him Backbone of society Gets abused and taken advantage of Trusts the government to have their best interests

11 Chapters 1 and 2 parallels
Old Major tells animals about animalism Chapter 2 Old Major dies Snowball and Napoleon overtake Mr. Jones. Farm renamed to Animal Farm Russian Revolution Karl Marx publishes his ideas on communism Marx dies Trotsky and Lenin overtake Nicholas I Russia renamed to USSR

12 Exit Slip *Take out a piece of paper. So far, who is your favorite character in Animal Farm and why? Who is your least favorite character in Animal Farm and why?

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