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Project Management Status

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1 Project Management Status
WP8 Project Management Project Management Status M21 – M23 CERTH-ITI

2 Project Management Overview
WP Status Overview Deliverables/Milestones QMR 2nd review planning Prototype integration & deployment planning

3 Tasks Active for previous (M21-M23) and following (M24-M26) periods
9 Tasks ending in September 2014 (M24)

4 Overview of current status by end of 2nd Year (M24)
Similar situation as previous September (end of 1st year) BUT more efforts pending on both: Component implementation/integration/ deployment Deliverable preparations Status by the end of 1st year (M12) Status by the end of 2nd year (M24) 11 Deliverables Most in good state – some needed more efforts 13 Deliverables (+ 1 resubmission) Most in intermediate state – Many efforts pending on contributions from partners & input consolidation from Deliverable Leaders 2 Milestones 5 Milestones 1 Prototype + 5 individual Demos for 1st Review Integrated Prototype with components deployed & running with real data at CERTH demo pilot sites Demonstration of INERTIA scenarios by 2nd Review

5 WP Status Overview WP2- WP3 Local Control Hub Implementation
DER Models extended and implementation finalised  OK DER Model Learning algorithm - a demo to be presented this meeting (ALMENDE?)  THERE IS NO DEMO  PLAN: at least one month for HVAC, lightingOK, the rest OK Holistic Flexibility component / negotiation algorithm implementation on-going – a demo to be presented this meeting (ALMENDE?)  kind of a demo. Not a fixed solution yet. Linksmart (device managers / IoT Entities , REST Services) mostly implemented. Mapping of CERTH equipment mostly available – remaining within next couple of days? (CNet?)  Mid September, CNET, CERTH IAM functionalities / interfaces with other components - progress ongoing – remaining required will be available by when? (TUK?)  Iterating step-by-step, Plan1 service per 1-2 days. Buffer to be completed in one week. Mid of September (Almende ok, CERTH 3 services, Hypertech 2-3 services, Tecnalia OK, user interfaces services not communicated to Peter yet) INERTIA Ontology – population started – remaining efforts (TUK?) – Most sensors are populated, Ulf updates the missing part, then Peter by end September will have a close-to-final version

6 WP Status Overview WP2- WP3 Local Control Hub Implementation (continued) Occupancy Extraction/Prediction - already publishing events from DEMO pilot sites to Linksmart – Occ. data available in IAM (TUK?)  OK User Profiling implementation in progress – first results based on actual data from CERTH (HYPERTECH?) – Software is ready, clear events are missing (CNET will provide them soon)  Plan  Ready after solving the issue with the events. User Interfaces – implementation on-going. Most required data available from Linksmart/IAM – more details this meeting – Hypertech,ENG,CERTH,CNET,Almende  Plan is to finalise by the review (low priority for now), ENG is already working on it Multi Agent System – Data Flow presented in previous meeting – Mapping of Real-Data from CERTH available – *IMPORTANT* First demonstration of MAS integrated DEMO this meeting (ALMENDE?) – Yes, not in a clear scenario yet, Early October to have a demo on a real scenario

7 WP Status Overview WP4 Aggregator Control Hub implementation
Components & Information flow/interfaces defined First integrated DEMO available when? (TECNALIA)  NO Holistic DEMO yet, visual analytics demo available, MAS demo is OK, Aggregator/DSO control hub demo is available, IAM (5,6 services running already)  Plan Mid October WP5 Integration, Simulation and Lab Testing Validation of DER models  Validation by Tecnalia + Almende + CERTH (Mid October) Intense ongoing efforts among partners towards components integration Simulation Test suite defined – Simulated LCHs implementation – *IMPORTANT* to be fully defined and implementation timeplan set this meeting (ALMENDE – CNet?) – Low priority, to discussed again Lab setup – ongoing: equipment & infrastructures mostly available at CERTH DEMO pilot areas component deployment / interfacing ongoing communication with TECNALIA Lab to be tested -- Ongoing

8 WP Status Overview WP6 – Pilot Set-up, Model Calibration and Assessment Pilot Evaluation Framework + Business Scenarios – initial approach documented by PPC – more details this meeting (PPC) Procurement of equipment and installation at selected CERTH pilot sites (as needed for first phase) concluded and validated WP7 Dissemination - Exploitation Increased Dissemination / joined publications efforts expected (following 2nd Review comments and last meeting) Initial version of Exploitation plan ongoing (ENG)

9 Deliverables Planning
Initial Planning for all deliverables Available for Peer Review by Monday 22/9 Peer Review Reports available by Friday 26/9 Final versions of deliverables ready by Tuesday 30/9 (or Friday 3/10?) too optimistic?

10 Deliverables due M24 (end of September 2014)
WP2 Deliverables Deliverable Responsible Status Planning D1.2 “User and Business Requirements Definitions” Re-submission ENG Circulated updated Business Scenarios, including quantitative parameters for evaluation Expecting contributions from most partners Hypertech provided some comments – to be discussed this meeting ENG ? D3.2 “Semantic Devices & Device Managers Specification and Ontology update” TUK TUK ? Also, CNet is highly involved in this deliverable No problem expected for the 22nd of September Note: CERTH wasn’t aware of the status of some deliverables, highlighted in yellow in the tables

11 Deliverables due M24 (end of September 2014)
WP3 Deliverables Deliverable Responsible Status Planning DD2.4.2 Tecnalia, Almende No problem expected for the 22nd of September D3.3 "Ambient User Interfaces, User Behavioural Profiling and Activity Flow Framework HYPERTECH Already circulated intermediate version with CERTH HYPERTECH: Most parts already covered CERTH: Structure ready, many parts ready, others ongoing Will be available by 22/9 for Peer Review

12 Deliverables due M24 (end of September 2014)
WP4 Deliverables Deliverable Responsible Status Planning D4.1 "DER Flexibility Analysis, Aggregation and Forecasting Module" HYPERTECH HYPERTECH ? No problem expected for the 22nd of September D4.2 "Grid Coordination & DR Activation based on multi-agents framework modules" TECNALIA TECNALIA ? D4.3 "INERTIA Aggregator Integrated Decision Support System" Intermediate version already circulated Test suite and related test scenarios already defined Contributions expected by partners

13 Deliverables due M24 (end of September 2014)
WP5 Deliverables Deliverable Responsible Status Planning D5.1.1 "INERTIA Grid- Building-DER integrated prototype" CERTH Intermediate version already circulated to partners All component-development partners should provide input, based on template provided by CERTH CERTH will cover the rest of the document Depends on expected contributions by technical partners No problem expected for the 22nd of September D5.2.1 "INERTIA Simulation Test Suite" TECNALIA CERTH – will shortly provide expected contributions ALMENDE – CNet: Expecting contributions on Simulated LCHs Depends on expected contributions ALMENDE – CNET? D5.3.1 "INERTIA prototype Lab Installation include. Validation, Parameterization & Testing" Intermediate version prepared in cooperation with TECNALIA Will be circulated for contributions by related partners by 5/9

14 Deliverables due M24 (end of September 2014)
WP6 - WP7 Deliverables Deliverable Responsible Status Planning D6.1.1 "Business scenarios, pilot installation methodology & evaluation framework" PPC Intermediate version already circulated to partners Pending contributions Rest will be covered by PPC Probably available on-time for peer-review PPC, please confirm No problem expected for the 22nd of September D7.2 "Report on Dissemination Activities, Public Participation and Awareness" CERTH Preparing in cooperation with HYPERTECH (WP Leader) Most parts already covered Will be available by 22/9 for Peer Review D7.3.1 “Intermediate version of Exploitation Plan” ENG Intermediate version circulated, input received from partners Some sections pending Depends on expected contributions ENG ? D8.2.2 “Progress Periodic Report” Will be prepared by CERTH, consolidating contributions received on 4 respective QMR documents - The 8th QMR must be prepared early in October, to have sufficient time to prepare the periodic report on time

15 Deliverable Peer Review Partners allocation
Peer Review Partners - as included in D8.1 Project Management, Quality Assessment Plan Deliverable Responsible Peer Review Responsible D1.2 “User and Business Requirements Definitions” (RESUBMISSION) ENG ALMENDE, TUK D2.4.2 "INERTIA Multi- dimensional DER flexibility models" TECNALIA CERTH, ENG D3.2 “Semantic Devices & Device Managers Specification and Ontology update” TUK CERTH, PPC D3.3 "Ambient User Interfaces, User Behavioural Profiling and Activity Flow Framework" HYPERTECH TECNALIA, PPC D4.1 "DER Flexibility Analysis, Aggregation and Forecasting Module" CERTH, TECNALIA D4.2 "Grid Coordination & DR Activation based on multi-agents framework modules" CNET, HYPERTECH D4.3 "INERTIA Aggregator Integrated Decision Support System" ENG, CNET D5.1.1 "INERTIA Grid- Building-DER integrated prototype" CERTH ENG, PPC D5.2.1 "INERTIA Simulation Test Suite" CERTH, CNET D5.3.1 "INERTIA prototype Lab Installation include. Validation, Parameterization & Testing" INDESIT, HYPERTECH D6.1.1 "Business scenarios, pilot installation methodology & evaluation framework" PPC TECNALIA, ETC D7.2 "Report on Dissemination Activities, Public Participation and Awareness" ENG, HYPERTECH D7.3.1 “Intermediate version of Exploitation Plan” D8.2.2 “Progress Periodic Report” ALL

16 Deliverables due to M24 (September 2014)
5 Milestones by end of September 2014 Milestones Responsible Related Tasks MS5 “Holistic flexible models available for incorporation in the INERTIA Common Hybrid Agent Platform” ALMENDE T2.5 MS6 “Final Version of the Occupancy Flow Modelling and Prediction available” CERTH T3.4, T3.5 MS7 “INERTIA Aggregator DSS & Agent-based DER Control system available” TECNALIA T4.4 MS8 ”INERTIA Lab setup established and initial integrated prototype available” T5.3 MS9 “Business scenarios, pilot installation procedure & evaluation framework available” CNet T6.1, T6.2

17 QMR status QMR 7 (Apr-Jun 2014) QMR 8 (Jul-Sep 2014)
Most contributions received on time Submitted end of July QMR 8 (Jul-Sep 2014) Contributions from partner needed early (by 8 Oct) Input from QMR 8 will be used for D8.2.2 “Progress Periodic Report” – needed for 2nd Review

18 Amendment Money transfer from ENEL to ETC
Money reimburse from to CERTH was finalised and confirmed in mid August Pre-funding money transfer to ETC already arranged by financial dept. at CERTH will most probably finish within this week (by 5th Sept 2014)

19 Planning towards 2nd Review
2nd Review - No official communication from PO so far As discussed in previous plenary meeting: probably by end of November 2014 to be held at CERTH premises 2 half-days review: First day: Demonstrate of system prototype and available installations at CERTH Second day: Presentation of achievements per WP

20 1. Standalone demos (components DEMOS)
LCH Dishwasher (device + interface with INERTIA) Linksmart Demo IAM Demo MAS Demo Occupancy Extraction + Prediction Demos User Profiling LCH UIs Aggregator Visual Analytics Aggregator MAS DSO DSO Simulator

21 3. Integrated Demos – Scenarios
2. Installation (ITI Building) All sensors/infrastructures (Consumption) PV, Fuel Cells, EVs (Production) Interface with Diesel Generators (TECNALIA) & PVs (ETC) (Production) 3. Integrated Demos – Scenarios Monitoring & Control (FM UI + Mobile Apps + Space UI) Scheduling + Occupancy prediction DSO DR Signal event Decrease consumption (low) Decrease consumption due to external power failure (thunderstorm short-circuit) ( + increase generation (high – start diesel generator) Increase consumption (thermal pre-heating, start dishwasher) (maybe not / alternatively only with PV at CERTH) Imbalance Risk Reduction (to check)

22 Questions & Discussion
Thank You !!!

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